Determine who is allocating the memory.
Worse, a cache miss when allocating an object on the heap has a particularly nasty memory interaction.
For example, the code must call certain runtime routines in the JVM runtime to perform specific actions, such as looking up an unresolved method or allocating memory.
For most collector implementations, the allocation subsystem keeps a pool of free heap memory, consumed by the application through allocating objects and replenished by the collector through sweeping.
This was achieved through dynamic Logical Partitioning (DLPAR) -the process of dynamically allocating additional CPU or memory servers to a running LPAR.
When allocating memory from the heap, the contents of that memory are garbage — whatever bits happen to be left over from the last time that memory was used.
The libraries that implement these requirements are called allocators, because they are responsible for allocating and deallocating memory.
Another common problem with allocating database Shared memory on Solaris is due to the fact that all pages of a Shared memory segment are pinned in physical RAM.
Allocating blocks of zero-filled memory the library may need.
This algorithm tends to be memory efficient (allocating what's necessary) but requires more time to manage the heap.
The StringBuilder class in the System.Text namespace joins strings together without allocating a new string instance each time; this efficiency greatly improves memory utilization.
Mempool_alloc is for allocating objects; if the mempool allocator fails to provide memory, then the pre-allocation pool will be used.
If you're allocating native resources (memory on the native heap, file descriptors, or whatever), it can be significantly more difficult to arrange timely collection of these resources.
There might not be enough disk space to complete the file write operation, or allocating the buffer could fail if not enough memory is available.
By using a constant string, you avoid allocating memory, copying the string, and the transcoding process.
Soon after that, the kernel starts swapping some of those pages to disk in anticipation of having to allocate memory to the process that's allocating memory.
The concept involves pre-allocating a pool of memory and reserving it until it is actually needed.
Reserving native memory is not the same as allocating it.
By allocating memory outside the heap, you may subject your application to additional forces of which the JVM is unaware.
What if the process was in the middle of allocating additional memory on its heap using malloc, and you call malloc from the signal handler?
如果当进程正在使用malloc在它的堆上分配额外的内存时,您通过信号处理器调用 malloc,那会怎样?
Instead of spawning a new OS thread for each connection (and allocating the accompanying memory with it), each connection fires an event run within the Node engine's process.
At the same time, with Oracle Database 10g, make sure that the LOCK_SGA Oracle initialization parameter is set to TRUE, so that Oracle request large pages when allocating Shared memory.
同时,对于OracleDatabase10g,请确保将LOCK_SGA Oracle初始化参数设置为TRUE,这样一来,Oracle会在分配共享内存时请求较大的页面。
I'm wondering if there is another way I can convert this double into a string or char array, etc, without allocating and collecting memory each time the loop runs.
An application can keep special track of a given group of allocations for debugging purposes by allocating them as this type of memory block, using explicit calls to the debug heap functions.
The invention discloses a method and a device for allocating continuous physical memory in an embedded system.
Increasing the collection capacity involves allocating additional collection slots, which incurs both performance and memory overhead.
The memory structure, constitution of data communication channel and system bus are analyzed, and the algorithm allocating, algorithm mapping and scheduling on the multiprocessor are discussed.
对系统的存储器结构、数据通信通道组成和系统总线结构进行了分析; 讨论了算法划分、算法的多处理器映射及调度;
Because the runtime allocates memory for an object by adding a value to a pointer, it is almost as fast as allocating memory from the stack.
In the first case, those objects are strings. After allocating memory to hold the objects, the default string constructor is run on each element of the array in turn.
In the first case, those objects are strings. After allocating memory to hold the objects, the default string constructor is run on each element of the array in turn.