Advise you alter course to starboard side.
Fantasia : yes. i will also alter course to avoid the storm. out.
It was the suggestion that he might alter course to win an election that really nettled him.
The researchers are sharing their real-time data on whale locations, transmitted from the buoys via satellite, with tanker captains, who can then slow down their ships or alter course to avoid whales.
But the Difference Engine could only do rote calculations and was incapable of checking its results to alter course.
If circumstances demand it, she is pragmatic enough to alter course. But she is not infallible.
It's even acceptable to alter them, if appropriate, based upon new learnings or course changes.
You may need to alter your walk break frequency to adjust for breaks in your training, course conditions, and weather conditions.
What can we do to alter this course of events?
A rapid exchange of information and instructions is especially valuable if the company wants to alter course in stormy times.
By firing a laser at a piece of junk for a few hours it should be possible to alter it's course by 650ft per day.
Data can be stored in the session with no direct way for a malicious user to alter it. (Bugs in your code may still give an attacker an opening, of course.)
Careful, slow and thorough about all that you do, at times you are also willful and stubborn when others try to alter your course.
We can at any time decide to alter the course of our lives.
This is the future ahead unless humanity chooses to alter their course in the near future and balance the scales by giving back unto nature.
Many follow a two-year, full-time course because they wish to take stock and radically alter their career .
In psychology, Alter refers to the course that people charge the nonessential attribute of matters to disclose their essential attribute from different angles, aspects and modes.
Now a major study is planned to determine whether this psychological change can alter the course of the disease.
Was the die cast from the very beginning or is it in our own hands to alter the course of destiny?
And attempts by poor countries to alter the course of urbanization have a long pedigree in the rich world.
In psychology, Alter refers the course that people change the nonessential attribute of matters to disclose their essential attribute from different angles, aspects and modes.
If the strong dollar does continue to pose those sorts of economic threats, of course, the Fed might alter its thinking about when to raise interest rates.
In the next couple of decades, with expanded funding for public health, it will be possible to radically alter the course of the future of human health, particularly in poor countries.
There was free will given , and yet those that were involved in the designing were not to know of the degree in which this could alter the course of the initial plan.
自在意志是被给予了,并且那些已包括在方案中的部门并不知道基于这个角度会转变最初的筹划。 现在…
There was free will given , and yet those that were involved in the designing were not to know of the degree in which this could alter the course of the initial plan.
自在意志是被给予了,并且那些已包括在方案中的部门并不知道基于这个角度会转变最初的筹划。 现在…