These include, but are not limited to, additional costs, alternative costs, and cost reductions.
The alternative to capital punishment is longer sentences but they would certainly cost the taxpayers much money.
While some Socialists did view price protests as a direct step toward socialism, most Socialists ultimately sought to divert the cost-of-living movement into alternative channels of protest.
If your next-best alternative to seeing the movie is reading the book, then the opportunity cost of seeing the movie is the money spent plus the pleasure you forgo by not reading the book.
The reason internal rate of return calculations remain popular, despite their overwhelming disadvantages, is that they do not require you to specify the cost of capital or alternative rate of return.
True, alternative sources, like oil from Canada’s tar sands, have continued to grow. But these alternative sources come at relatively high cost, both monetary and environmental.
True, alternative sources, like oil from Canada's tar sands, have continued to grow. But these alternative sources come at relatively high cost, both monetary and environmental.
Let me now suggest, rather indelicately, an alternative: Declare a vendetta on mandatory email. Put the cost of communication back on the sender.
In late 2009, the U.S. Air Force, citing cost concerns, threatened to kill the program in favor of a cheaper alternative.
The alternative is to load a single server with several applications so that the organization gets the full total cost of ownership (TCO).
New research by leading alternative energy research firm New Energy Finance finds that solar power will cost less by about 50% at the end of 2009 compared to the end of 2008.
We decided to use it because its limitations are minor and the potential high cost of the alternative, that is, trying to externalize the collaboration server and the corresponding workflow.
An alternative approach would be to force courts to make more use of services that audit lawyers' bills, such as Legal Cost Control and Legalbill.
These customers seek self-provisioned, self-managed, cost-effective infrastructure as an alternative to buying their own equipment and placing it into colocation or into their own data center.
If you're looking for a lightweight, low-cost alternative to the middleware proxy approach, using an EJB proxy might be suitable.
Currently there is a lack of alternative, cost-effective and safe insecticides.
Trent acknowledges that challenges remain in figuring out the right algae strains, and in engineering the system to make algae biofuels a cost-effective alternative to existing fossil fuels.
An SOA offers the ability to leverage existing legacy applications, which is usually a cost-effective alternative to rewriting code.
Officials in the coastal Peruvian province of Callao on Monday hailed the Guinea pig as a low cost, low fat alternative to a traditional turkey or roast pork Christmas dinner.
秘鲁的沿海省份卡里奥的官员在周一宣布天竺鼠可以摆上圣诞餐桌来代替传统的火鸡或是烤猪。 天竺鼠更加的便宜,而且脂肪含量较低。
Edinburgh, an established banking centre, is now touting itself as a low-cost alternative for financial operations.
Was there an easier and more cost-effective alternative?
The optimizer relies on statistics to properly cost alternative query execution plans (QEPs) and choose the most optimal plan.
The word “opportunity” in “opportunity cost” is actually redundant. The cost of using something is already the value of the highest-valued alternative use.
Edwards hopes the dressing will be a cost-effective alternative to similar dressings currently available.
The cost to Japan of switching to alternative energy sources will come more in the form of pride than money.
The alternative way to socialise the cost of pensions is stealthier.
The alternative way to socialise the cost of pensions is stealthier.