All right folks, let's continue our discussion of alternative energy sources and move on to what's probably the most well-known alternative energy source—solar energy.
Hydrogen is an alternative energy source with high efficiency and pollution free.
When it's processed, that oil can be turned into biofuel, an alternative energy source.
As an attractive alternative energy source, hydrogen energy has been studied widely and intensively.
European countries value wind power and solar energy sources as a renewable and alternative energy source.
Lignocellulosic material can be utilized to produce ethanol, a promising alternative energy source for the limited crude oil.
Gas hydrate is recognized by the global energy industry as an alternative energy source to oil and natural gas in the 21st century.
Opec yesterday warned western countries' that their efforts to develop biofuels as an alternative energy source to combat climate change risked driving the price of oil "through the roof".
Lastly, while I still have an audience, I would like to bring attention to an alternative food and energy source.
Done correctly, hydropower is a clean, renewable source of energy that India has in abundance, and Sharma has seen the alternative.
The aquarium's director thinks that a lot of eels could power an even bigger tree, although I'm not sure that eels are the most energy efficient alternative source for electricity.
It is true that Kazakhstan is potentially an alternative energy provider-but in ten years' time it will probably still be only a potential source.
An improved technology comesalong - a more efficient toolkit, source of energy, or crop - and itssubsequent adoption makes existing institutions inferior to alternative ways oforganising society.
The cynical attitude of the nuclear lobby extends far into the future, strangling at birth the Japanese archipelagos only viable source of alternative energy—offshore wind power.
Wind energy is the fastest growing alternative source of energy in the world but only nuclear and solar power have the potential to dramatically alter the energy supply landscape.
By far, the most promising alternative source of energy for cars is the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine, which USES hydrogen to create electricity that, in turn, powers the car.
At alternative source of energy field we are looking for energy gained from piezoelectric effect.
By far, the most promising alternative source of energy for cars is the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine, which USES hydrogen to electricity that, in turn, powers the car.
By far, the most promising alternative source of energy for cars is the hydrogen-based fuel-cell engine, which USES hydrogen to electricity that, in turn, powers the car.