In between these visits, at the request of the hospital manager, I am constantly on the phone to my travel insurance party, as neither hospital nor insurer seems to accept what the other is saying.
I am writing in response to your request for additional information.
Here in this agent, whenever a request comes, I am just going through these structures and fulfilling the request.
I am in China, "Love Without Borders Organization" sent this request.
In accordance with your request I am sending your sample pages of the dictionary.
At the request of countless numbers of music-loving fans, I am pleased to announce that I will be releasing a music book in December, complete with sheet music for all of this album's songs!
I am writing to request admission into the Dept of... at your university for the Spring semester. It is my long-cherished desire to pursue study at a university in Canada.
But they are difference: when I interpret your request for a timetable, I am free to do it in any way I choose. A Lawyer's interpretation of a text is a special process.
In accordance with your request I am sending her the letter express.
In retrospect, I am proud that I decided not to cave to the top management's request to overlook the size of their personal expense accounts.
At the request of Mr. Zhang, I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation in support of his application for admission to your Institution.
What I hereby request you to clarify is very simple: am I entitled to express my comments on a literary creation in English?
What I hereby request you to clarify is very simple: am I entitled to express my comments on a literary creation in English?