The national conference on democracy ended ambiguously.
The last paragraph is ambiguously phrased.
This phenomenon is ambiguously defined in your paper.
The word "hearing" is used ambiguously in our country.
The sentence is so ambiguously worded that it admits of two interpretations.
As the camera slowly pans in, Jesse smiles and ambiguously responds, "I know."
I told Ismail ambiguously that our actions were the minimum that public opinion would tolerate.
Haskell complains if you use a type ambiguously or if you try to use an unsupported type with a function.
"Well I married him" said myrtle ambiguously. "and that's the difference between your case and mine."
It also touches on some of the who, what, when, where, and whys associated with this often ambiguously interpreted phrase.
and, ambiguously, with children. He once said that if there were no children in the world, he would have no reason to exist.
But it also brings back into focus Japan’s awkward postwar nuclear predicament that was ambiguously illustrated by the Godzilla series.
Now, again stupid persons all seem ambiguously comprehend casualty what affair, small son of a feudal Lord why so frightened Li Yuan Qi?
As a first step of the transformation, the XSL processor should be given a template that non-ambiguously matches some part of the source.
The small print declares, ambiguously, that these impostors were “cellared in Canada”, but they are otherwise indistinguishable from the real thing.
Ambiguously, the dark area of swimming pool intention seems somebody stand over there, light cloud savor, there is some Mars with red Xing being twinkling.
The sunlight pulverized the melancholy of this city, the flickering ray of light bring ambiguously pleased of spirit, fill the air to open in the sky then.
The night sky heavy star orders a point, big Dipper the west is inclined, the distance ambiguously spreads the ti call of rooster, and the sky is getting brighter soon.
The small fox and Long Xue listens to the down stairs a per, that savor in heart be really...... can not remember clearly a direction not clear, ambiguously take an silk fidgety.
Eyes in 2 pythons yellow at darkly in send out fluorescence, I still the atmosphere doesn't dare as well, ambiguously saw a python lightly a crest two times, see rock have no action.
She too doesn't absence to dead, quite not cozy walk apt today, he even hasn't come yet ugg reach to anticipate, how was the competence similar to those human to ambiguously dart life?
她还不想死,好不容易走到了今天,他甚至还没来得及达成所愿, Moncler Outlet,怎么就能和那些人一样不明不白的丢了性命呢?
The essay deals with the basic way to evaluate the teaching quality of physical education both in an ambiguously synthetical judgement and in an evaluation of quantitative accumulation;
Sometimes these influences merge ambiguously and she often finds herself caught in dual-identity, when certain beliefs and action become dubious, and contradictions and paradoxes arise within.
Sometimes these influences merge ambiguously and she often finds herself caught in dual-identity, when certain beliefs and action become dubious, and contradictions and paradoxes arise within.