There is the potential for great social unrest and an aging population.
The best way to compensate for an aging population - and therefore fewer workers - is higher productivity.
Despite what some have suggested, the reason we have these costs is not simply because we have an aging population.
An aging population and the growth of minority populations are expected to add to the disease's prevalence, Albright said.
Logistics and transport business leaders have to recognise the problems of an aging population and recruit more foreign workers.
Despite an aging population and where cancer is the leading cause of death, Japan has long eschewed use of narcotic pain killers.
An aging population, an underfunded pension system, and half-a-billion workers who aren't covered could be a drag on economic growth.
It's true that an aging population and rising health care costs will, under current policies, push spending up faster than tax receipts.
The Chinese heart valve device market will experience robust growth through 2024, driven by an aging population and the adoption of THV devices.
Furthermore, we have an aging population of Baby Boomers who still own a lot of stocks, and who are going to be selling as they near retirement.
Yet the House plan assumes that we can cut health-care spending as a percentage of G.D.P. despite an aging population and rising health care costs.
With an aging population and an increasing labor shortage, the demand for companion robots for elder care and children's companions is on the rise.
But China, while having an aging population, still face employment pressure, so a policy change requires cautious consideration, the official said.
Despite an aging population and where cancer is the leading cause of death, Japan has long eschewed use of narcotic pain killers. But that is beginning to change.
Shanghai was China's first city to face an aging population, and it is significant that Shanghai is actively exploring ways to adjust the pension application age.
At the least, caring for an aging population will eat into the world's reservoir of savings and could well make capital, already set to rise in price, even more expensive.
Japan's fertility rate has dropped to 1.34 children per woman, shrinking the pool of workers and consumers, and increasing the burden on younger employees to pay for an aging population.
Tighter curbs on medical spending and an aging population with more health concerns are expected to prompt consumers to take a larger role in managing their own care, including using online tools.
And if you're in an area where the population is stagnant, declining, or aging, the Numbers may be working against you.
Population is aging in Japan faster than anywhere else, and with that has come an even sharper rise in elderly inmates.
And we don't have any more of an idea how we're going to finance the aging of the U.S. population — in a rapidly aging world — than we did three or five or 10 years ago.
Welcome to the world of old-age prisons. population is aging in Japan faster than anywhere else, and with that has come an even sharper rise in elderly inmates.
In an aging nation, Sardinia's population is especially old, with one of the world's highest ratios of people over a hundred years old.
In an aging nation, Sardinia's population is especially old, with one of the world's highest ratios of people over a hundred years old.