Latvian women,meanwhile,rose from 28th place in 1914 to become the tallest in the world a century later,with an average height of 169.
Latvian women, meanwhile, rose from 28th place in 1914 to become the tallest in the world a century later, with an average height of 169.
The fact is, that it did not exceed an average height of six or seven feet.
Burros reach an average height of over a meter and can weigh more than 225 kilograms.
Joby Energy in California is testing kites flying at an average height of 400m (1,300ft) - around five times the height of a ground-based turbine - where winds are faster and more consistent.
Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control an Prevention, Average height—5'9" for men, 5'4"for women—hasn't really changed since 1960.
Imagine people's height being proportional to their income, so that someone with an average income is of average height.
The researchers found a causal linkage with a decline in average human height by nearly an inch during this period, and the century was rife with disease and conflict.
This height is calculated relative to an average elevation determined for the moon's surface, since there is no such thing as a "sea level" as a reference on the moon.
Men who reported that their lives were the "worst possible" were in general more than eight tenths of an inch, or two centimetres, shorter than the average height.
Despite their height, giraffes actually have the shortest sleep requirement of all mammals, surviving on an average of half an hour a day.
Seedlings which have a good growth in height and diameter all have an average shoot number.
When someone is in a wheelchair his head is at the height of an average person's waist.
Last year I met a short-statured mother with an average-height teenage son.
Last year I met a short-statured mother with an average-height teenage son.