Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour.
Per capita GNP has grown at an average rate of 7.6% from 1980-1992.
Per capita GNP has grown at an average rate of 7.6% from 1980—1992.
In the mid-1990s new patents were being issued at an average rate of about 300 per day.
Between 1970 and 1995 output per hour in America grew at an average rate of 1.3% a year.
We have been growing at an average rate of over 20 percent year-on-year over the decade.
In the late 1960s and early '70s, the country was growing at an average rate of 11 percent a year.
The JMeter test plan was configured to deliver requests at an average rate of 16 requests per second per virtual machine.
I had been working there for three years, and during that period our sales increased by an average rate of 50%per year.
I had been working there for three years, and during that period our sales increased by an average rate of 50% per year.
I had been working there for three years, and during that period our sales increased by an average rate of 50% per year.
First, China has a proved record of success, with an average rate of economic growth of 10 per cent between 1979 and 2010.
In the past decade, expenditure on the Public Works Programme (PWP) has grown at an average rate of 6 per cent per annum in real terms.
Recently, about 78% of rooms at 5-star hotels in Beijing have been booked, at an average rate of 3464 yuan per night, 3.6 times the rate a year earlier.
For example, its latest forecast implicitly assumes that the yuan will weaken to an average rate of 7.04 to the dollar in 2013 from a current rate of 6.53.
The ROC is a compact wastewater recycling system that treats industrial wastewater generated within your facility at an average rate of 1 penny per gallon.
The industry has seen the value of its sales increase at an average rate of 25 percent since 2005, and it is now composed of 25, 000 companies employing 1.2 million people.
Over the year prior to joining, potential par-ticipants were to have an average rate of inflation that did not exceed the performance of the best three member states by more than 1.5 percent.
The mine reportedly had an accident rate treble the national average.
Landlocked countries without resources grew by an annual average rate of just 3.6% from 1995 to 2006, whereas oil-exporting ones grew by 9.1%.
Between 2002 and 2006, household borrowing grew at an average annual rate of 11%, far outpacing overall economic growth.
In the five years to 2008 the region's economies grew at an annual average rate of 5.5%, while inflation was in single digits.
First Solar’s panels have an average efficiency rate of 11-12% as opposed to 14-15% for the silicon ones.
First Solar's panels have an average efficiency rate of 11-12% as opposed to 14-15% for the silicon ones.
第一太阳能公司的太阳能电池板的平均转换率为11- 12%,而硅太阳能电池板能达到14 - 15%。
The economy has grownat an average annual rate of 7% over the past 25 years, largely thanks toexports of hydro-electricity to India.
One more thing: even with the Obama plan, the Romer-Bernstein report predicts an average unemployment rate of 7.3 percent over the next three years.
One more thing: even with the Obama plan, the Romer-Bernstein report predicts an average unemployment rate of 7.3 percent over the next three years.