The development of an early-warning system has reversed that trend.
By making our estimates available each day, flu Trends may provide an early-warning system for outbreaks of influenza.
By making our flu estimates available each day, Google flu Trends may provide an early-warning system for outbreaks of influenza.
It's therefore advisable to install an early-warning system consisting of financial, operational and structural indicators, says Oliver Knapp.
Scientists in China are calling for improvements in earthquake prediction, including the establishment of an early-warning system and methods for scientists to share quake information.
Take two cases: since the tsunami, Sri Lanka's largest telephone company has started an early-warning system which would send SMS messages to every mobile phone in an area at risk of flooding.
Radio Netherlands and Amsterdam University are refining a proposal for an early-warning system that would pick up hate-speech broadcasts, including cryptic ones, and at least mitigate their effects.
The company also added a variety of other measures to the network infrastructure including an early-warning system for unusual activity patterns that could signal an attempt to compromise the network.
The findings also suggest that cats might help provide an early-warning system for avian flu by acting as 'sentinels', say the scientists, who work at a US Naval Medical Research Unit in Cairo, Egypt.
Again, this is an early warning system that allows you to concentrate prevention and treatment efforts on areas in greatest need.
They comprise an early warning system to ensure that the impact of changes to requirements across product versions are analyzed and dealt with as needed.
An early warning system could only give hours notice, not the days that would be needed to prepare an evacuation.
WHO's work is particularly focused on building up an early warning system for disease surveillance, which needs to be reinforced in the weeks and months ahead.
With support from the EU, FAO has set up an FMD early-warning system that includes not just Turkey but all the countries that border Europe's perimeter.
Allen said a prototype of an early warning system for California earthquakes should be completed in about three years.
This gives you an early warning system, alerting you to large enemy advances.
"They said EU special representatives should be sent to 20 nations on the bloc's security watch list to be on the look-out for burgeoning conflicts and act as an early warning system."
Now researchers have developed a similar-style early warning system for the public health of an entire region.
For years, Allen and colleagues have been developing an earthquake early-warning system in California, placing instruments in many of the state's fault lines.
INT has put in place an early warning system so that information gathered during investigations helps operational Bank staff make informed decisions about affected projects.
We must bolster an IMF early warning system for the global economy, focused on crisis prevention and not just crisis resolution.
In essence, you can think of JUnitPerf as an early warning system.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) and partner organizations in California are doing research to understand what benefits an earthquake early warning system might have in California.
Running a CI server such as Hudson to test merges can give you an early warning system that alerts you to potential merge conflicts that could occur later on in the development cycle.
Running a CI server such as Hudson to test merges can give you an early warning system that alerts you to potential merge conflicts that could occur later on in the development cycle.