Car hailing company DiDi signed an agreement with TAL Education Group to provide free online courses for the children of taxi drivers.
“I feel more connected to a book than I do through the iPad,” said Ms. Aybar, who works at an education nonprofit group.
Group collaborative learning is an important teaching organizational form of the modern distance education.
However, such restrained conditions as capital, management and property right must be met to help Education Group become an effective school running form.
The vocational education group is an organizational form of educational management and development which is transplanted form the enterprises group.
That DIAC constitute an education Visa Advisory Group as a primary means of regular two way communication between stakeholders in the international education sector and DIAC.
Methods Make an investigation among the related group on health education for endemic disease prevention and therapy.
Britain's children are being poisoned by a 'junk culture 'of processed food, computer games and over-competitive education, an influential group of children's authors and experts warned.
Hence, an unexpected result will be made if the content, principle and the method of group psychological counseling is used in mental health education of the deaf students.
So, education accounting should adjust its inner structure, equip up with suitable personnel group so as to play an important role in the duration of the education resources allocation.
The book has been written by an international group of very active researchers and scholars who have a passion for the study of Chinese mathematics education.
Individual staff at U. S. and Canadian medical schools with an interest in medical education may join the Group on Educational Affairs (GEA).
Family moral education is a significant aspect of underage moral construction. Mobile children is an underprivileged group whose family moral education is confronted with various difficulties.
This is an exciting time at China Online Education Group.
Increasing the medical characteristics of teaching materials and strengthening the building of teachers' group play an active role in public health education for medical students.
WES Education Group has an experienced team of educational professionals, including expatriate and local teachers, support staff and school administrators.
WES Education Group has an experienced team of educational professionals, including expatriate and local teachers, support staff and school administrators.