XSLT Support: This one is a bit esoteric, but it is becoming more and more necessary to translate XML into HTML or more readable text. For example, the way Safari shows an RSS Feed as a web page.
XSLT支持: 看上去有点深奥,但是把XML转化成HTML等可读性更强的格式越来越有必要,就像Safari把RSSFeed显示成网页那样。
XSLT Support: This one is a bit esoteric, but it is becoming more and more necessary to translate XML into HTML or more readable text. For example, the way Safari shows an RSS Feed as a web page.
XSLT支持: 看上去有点深奥,但是把XML转化成HTML等可读性更强的格式越来越有必要,就像Safari把RSSFeed显示成网页那样。