The individuality of brand is an essential condition for any successful brand.
Painful austerity is an essential condition for lasting growth, but it is not enough on its own.
Furthermore it is an essential condition of its continued ability to afford treatment in the future.
The high-tech industries, in particular, make English ability an essential condition of employment.
It provides an essential condition for the research on the relations between recall ratio and precision ratio.
An adequate cold period is an essential condition for onset of flower bud differentiation in shoot tips of rape in vitro.
Strengthening the environmental management and protecting the eco-environment is an essential condition for the net growth of GNP.
从而使人们认识到 ,加强环境管理 ,保护好生态环境就是实现国民生产总值的净增长。
Normal erythrocyte degeneration is an essential condition for normal perfusion of microcirculation and normal oxygen transportation.
The paper raises and proves an essential condition of volumetric property of nonnegative secondary estimation of deviation and variance in linear model.
To improve the reader's awareness of academic periodical editors position is an essential condition to gain optimum social benefits & the readers favor.
It is an essential condition that ensures the quality of performance auditing and also a fundamental basis on which auditors put forward adequate audit conclusions.
Smoothness of paper used for printing has heavy influence to printing quality. To obtain satisfactory printing quality, smoothness degree of the paper is an essential condition.
The essential condition for the decay of the vacuum is the presence of an intense electric field.
The essential and full condition that an attribute being a primary attribute when it appears in both the left and the right of Functional Dependencies are discussed.
Mastering the air flow and heat transfer condition in engine compartment of tank is an essential precondition for designing engine device, transmission device and cooling system rationally.
Self-confidence is an essential psychological quality for athletes, it is also an important condition to obtain good competitive performance and sports skill.
This paper is the principle about an environmental protection type of bicycle sweeping away rubbish, the brush proceeded the analysis, leading the essential condition.
In addition, as one of the chance contracts, it is an essential and full condition of producing relevant legal consequence to be accordance with the contract engaged conditions.
The spring rod is an important part of railway track, and the correct heat treatment technology is the essential condition to produce qualified products.
Optimism, as an essential personality trait, is an individual's cognitive and emotional inclination toward the current and future condition.
The postmodern condition, a term coined by Lyotard has become an essential part of any discussion of our culture.
The postmodern condition, a term coined by Lyotard has become an essential part of any discussion of our culture.