This paper adopting finite element analysis software ANSYS to analyze the buckling property of slant-legged rigid-frame bridge in cantilever construction stage and service phase.
Based on the monitoring for expressway tunnel construction and finite element analysis, the paper analyzed the country rock stress state in the process of tunnel construction.
Equivalent triangle structure is constructed with hinged bar elements to precisely simulate the effect of wire rope pulley block in the finite element analysis of structure of construction machines.
Therefore, it needs finite element model updating to ensure the results of analysis reflect the construction process accurately and achieve the goal of construction control.
My graduation project involves in the structural analysis and engineering of construction elevator, as well as finite element analysis on and verificatio of key components using ANSYS.
With the continuous improvement of finite element analysis software, the results of finite element analysis are always used for controlling and predicting the large-span Bridges' construction.
In this paper, APDL parameters of design and Finite Element Analysis of star gear are taken for example to research on the design, calculation and construction of the Mechanical model.
Aim To realize optimized construction and volume of rail wheel and axle in complex loads with finite element analysis.
Stress analysis of the Bayilin Tunnel and the design for the anchored shotcrete construction by means of the finite element method are presented in this paper.
Second, to simulated calculate the base of light rail and foundation with the ABAQUS finite element software, analysis of the law of the bridge pier subsidence in different construction conditions.
Second, to simulated calculate the base of light rail and foundation with the ABAQUS finite element software, analysis of the law of the bridge pier subsidence in different construction conditions.