The classy piano bar next to Maddalena's really sells 11 dishes for the advertised price at lunch. There's no bait and switch here.
I'd rather eat breakfast and lunch at the hotel and then spend much money on a delicious supper.
He'll also meet the emperor and the empress at a lunch on Tuesday.
I have my lunch at the school cafeteria and I usually leave around 3:30 in the afternoon.
You do everything out together, too, even sitting on the same chair at lunch and riding on the same bicycle.
Lunch break at the hotdog stand in the park is the most enjoyable and interesting time of day for me.
Rob had latched onto me. He followed me around and sat beside me at lunch.
We wake you at 6 o'clock, and breakfast is at 8 o'clock, lunch is at noon, there's tea at 3:30 and supper is at 6 o'clock.
It became an impromptu cafe for at least five runners and their crew, who stopped under the shade for lunch.
At eleven, you're seeing Gianni Riva at Megastar and then you'll have a lunch engagement with Gavin from the Chamber of Commerce at 1 pm.
11点你将在 Megastar与GianniRiva 见面,然后下午1点你将与商会的 Gavin共进午餐。
I've just put our lunch in the oven and it won't be ready for at least half an hour.
Ful medames, another Near Eastern food at step five in the codex process, is made from fava beans and can be served at breakfast, lunch or dinner.
In the morning school starts at 9:00 and the classes finish at 12:00. In England, students have lunch at school.
As you know, I was with my client at a meeting all morning and we had lunch together.
Providing a free and healthy lunch at school is one way to help New Zealand become the best place in the world for school children.
A productive morning rewarded with a decent lunch, and then at about 3 p.m., there comes the irresistible sleepiness.
My friend and I had just finished lunch at an expensive restaurant when we realized that we did not have enough money to pay the bill.
Set out your work clothes and pack your lunch at night.
You get a good sampling at lunch, the same quality and some of the same items, for sometimes half as much as dinner.
We provide staff with a kitchen full of food, which enables them to eat lunch (and breakfast, and snacks) at our expense.
Restaurant week, a twice-yearly tradition in New York City where restaurants offer discounted prix-fixe menus at lunch and dinner, was extended by six weeks this summer.
Research shows that when you eat your daily protein and fat at breakfast or lunch, you tend to lose weight and have more energy.
The study, published in Nutrition Journal, showed that people still eat the same amount at lunch and dinner.
Get outside and take a walk at lunch time.
We pushed our bikes down the steep path to Arromanches on the Normandy coast and stopped at a café for lunch and a cool beer.
Are you working longer hours, attending more meetings, taking shorter vacations, answering more emails and eating lunch at your desk, if you eat lunch at all?
Try a 10-minute stretch every hour. And stop eating lunch at your desk!
They return at 2pm for lunch and a siesta, then train from 5pm to 6.30pm.
I worked at a large publishing company and ate lunch in the canteen.
I worked at a large publishing company and ate lunch in the canteen.