This thesis is mainly a historical research and descriptive study on the translations of Gulliver's Travels, which consists of five parts.
Methods: a retrospective and descriptive study to analyze through the management platform of adverse reactions collected 5434 cases in Qingyuan City.
There are three main types of descriptive methods: observational methods, case-study methods and survey methods.
The theories distinguish themselves from the isolated, static comparative study of the texts in a new, dynamic and descriptive way to conduct translation studies.
The paper is a descriptive synchronic study on the differences between English and Chinese in terms of reference.
Result: international sports psychology emphasizes particularly on quantitative research in this century, objective study more than subjective, and is inclined to descriptive research.
Methods Investigation, comparative study, descriptive statistics, and Statistical Analysis System (SAS) were employed.
Methods By descriptive study and telephone interview.
One can design an elegant study, generate a lot of important data and get it published as a descriptive report.
Methods and Findings:This research is a non-experimental and descriptive, study.
Behavioral decision theory is used to describe, explain and forecast the human decision behavior using behavioral scientific view and method. It emphasizes on the study of descriptive decision theory.
This study is divided into five parts: Introduction, summary of capital occupying, the sample selection and descriptive statistics, empirical testing and conclusions, conclusions and recommendations.
The study takes a descriptive qualitative approach, using the questionnaire and think-aloud as the research methods.
Descriptive geometry of the problem is to study geometry of space and graphic icon of the law school he was an engineering drawing of the theoretical basis.
Methods: With descriptive study to analyze the trend and difference of the ratio of the suspect cases to the confirmed ones.
Z. S. Harris, the famous American Descriptive Linguist, divides his linguistic study into three stages:"Structure-analysing", "Transformation-analysing"and "Operator Grammar".
This thesis attempts to conduct a descriptive study on the realization of comforting in the Chinese context from a pragmatic perspective, based on the speech act theories and politeness theories.
Under this condition, the thesis intends to make a descriptive, diachronic and comparative study of Chinese children's literature translation.
Basically, this thesis is a descriptive study starting from a literature review of traditional, linguistic and functional translation theories in terms of text types.
The point is made that the descriptive theory can explain the orientation of all kinds of translations, broaden the scope of the field of study and enrich the practice of translation in China.
Methodologies: The study takes descriptive and quantitative study as its primary means while qualitative study as secondary one.
Polysystem theory and descriptive translation studies offer theoretical support for the study of translator's cultural identity.
This thesis research is an exploratory-descriptive study of the role and functions of cancer self-help organizations in China.
This thesis research is an exploratory-descriptive study of the role and functions of cancer self-help organizations in China.