The act grants $400 million in military and economic aid to Turkey and Greece.
We have already extended to Greece certain types of relic and economic aid, but these are inadequate.
我们已经给矛希腊一些救济和经济援助,但这远远 不够。
To ensure economic growth they will need peace at home and decent relations with Nepal's neighbours and aid donors.
The cost is mostly through lost human and economic potential and it is roughly equivalent to the amount of aid that the continent receives from donor nations each year.
Rather as America and the Soviet Union vied for influence through economic and military aid, the BRICs do now (though their competition is less fierce than the cold-war version).
The economic stimulus package would have extended unemployment benefits, increased food aid to the poor and funded job-creation programs.
Ahead of Mother's Day, the International Aid Organization and its campaign Save the Children, scored 164 countries based on health, education and economic conditions for women and children.
More robust evidence is needed to demonstrate a causal link between aid operations and country level economic performance.
China will have no reason to provide economic, food and technical aid or accept their refugees in the near future.
Their economic sources were spinning and weaving, being hired, planting and prostitute in addition, the government's award and the clan's aid.
Insurance, based on social mutual aid, is an economic compensation system for dispersing risks and compensating losses.
However, soon afterwards, the serious economic difficulty came into being because inside demand increased rapidly and outside aid was cut off.
Top U. s. officials have been spending much of their time trying to revive the country's economic health by targeting aid at failing Banks and ailing auto companies.
But using CAD, establishing the Auto model using special software to simulate the driving situation and aid Auto design, which have quite economic purpose.
Through the economic and technical comparison, the method with the CON-AID liquid stabilizer is obviously better than traditional methods.
It's found that the economic status and social background of the individual and their family as well as the financial aid policies are both the influencing factors.
OBJECTIVE Understanding the disease economic risk of the different urban poor and improving the medical aid policy of the urban poor to provide the scientific basis.
The decision was taken by the group known as the Paris Club which issued a statement welcoming Liberia's determination to implement measures to reduce poverty and aid economic growth.
Large amount of production data show the guiding significance of computer aid software for production operation and the good economic benefit obtained by production optimization.
Western aid donors have urged Vietnam to lift restrictions on the media and Internet, warning that its tight controls of information are threatening the country's rapid economic progress.
A vast body of research shows that foreign aid has done little to spur economic growth in africa-and may have actually slowed it down.
Up to now: China has provided nearly US$180 million in economic definitelyn aid to Afghanistan and cancelled ingl of the matured debts Afghanistan owed to China.
I think they get the new economic aid and support from other countries, like Iran or Venezuela, or someone else.
To thrift, cost-effective, cherish and make good use of all national investment and aid funding, ensure rebuilding project fully exert economic and social benefits;
To thrift, cost-effective, cherish and make good use of all national investment and aid funding, ensure rebuilding project fully exert economic and social benefits;