At that moment, a lion came and said to Jina, "Jina, I need your help! My kid has climbed up a tree. Will you bring him down?"
You learn to say, “God, I am the steward of these children, whom You put into my care, and I will do what You need me to do to help them achieve their purpose.
It's not the only reference you'll ever need, but it will help you get past some of your first obstacles and adjust to a new and, I think, exciting approach to computing.
You'll need lots of rest and someone to help you, but I assume your wife will handle that.
Of course, you may want to communicate in a lighter vein, and since three grunts might be mis-heard as two, four grunts can be similar to Yellow: I need to communicate with you, please help me do so.
If I need you to come and help I'll call.
If you do not know how to start eating healthy and you need help keeping your grocery budget under control - I am sure you will like this handbook as much as I did.
And I will help you if you need my help.
They’re tearing down the cabin any minute and I need you to help me save a bird’s nest that’s tucked in the rafters.
I turned toward her and asked, "Do you need help?"
If you need any help, I and my car are at your service.
For you to say, I need help, intensifies your desire and puts more energy into it.
It looks at the common things that people need to program into Web pages — forms, for the most part — and includes pre-made components — those custom tags I was talking about — to help you do it.
I am reaching out to you because I need your help. Wewant to end gender inequality-and to do that we need everyone to be involved.
I really need the safety and health of the software, but can you help me to write a business report?
What strategies have I missed? What helps you defuse anger and irritability? I need more help!
If I need you to come and help I'll call.
If you know someone that is in need of something that I mentioned, and you know that you can help, you'll see that it will be returned in two-fold.
Master Huang: Well, now that you're here, you can help me with dinner. I need those potatoes peeled and sliced.
I really hope you can help me. My wallet was stolen this morning and I need to cancel my credit card.
Ellen: Well, now that you're here, you can help me with dinner. I need those potatoes peeled and sliced.
Mommy, I can't find my pet chicken anywhere. I need you to wake up and help me find it right now!
Faith, but whatever you decide, bear in mind, i am in trouble and need your help.
And I know, you need me to join the team and help to change the company also.
And I know, you need me to join the team and help to change the company also.