Aren't Chenzhou people and I try to read the dream for ten years?
I have read half of the English novel, and I'll try to finish it at the weekend.
I often read for about an hour, and then I try to think of something else to do.
I read all of his speeches and his autobiography, and I just try to learn from his path and what he did.
I would read productivity advice and then try my best to implement it.
Once I read the book, I knew I had to try it, and begged them to take me on.
I may not recite the whole text, but I will read every line at least once and try to remember them by heart. And for unfamiliar words, I will simply read more times.
When I am trying to memorize a poem, for example, I read it through a few times and them make myself try to repeat as much of it as possible from memory.
举个例子,我要是打算记住一首诗歌,我会先通篇读几遍,然后尽可能地试着回忆起诗歌内容。 学习理论中称之为“检索”。
I no longer try to read my email while listening to voice messages and eating my breakfast.
If this article were a service, the request might be: "How can I harvest service orientation", and the data sent back would read: "Try to make clear what's new."
Our conversation got me thinking: I normally read about 50-60 books a year in paperback format, but I had owned my iPad for a week already and had yet to try my favorite pastime on it.
If you want to learn more about lucid dreaming and try it for yourself, I recommend you read Dr. Stephen LaBerge’s Lucid Dreaming and Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming.
Richard: I think they just read the script and then try to imagine what the character is like.
Then I read about parents using mindfulness to keep from losing their temper and decided I was just desperate enough to give it a try.
It is important not to believe everything you read and to attempt to stay away from personal sites, and I try to know who is responsible for the site before treating the information as fact.
I loved to read the scores and try to get the band to play pieces exactly as I thought they should sound.
So I try to read and speak English very often.
And pay more attention to the knowledge which i didn't know it clearly. secondly, i will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge. and try to combine thoery to practice.
I would encourage you to try and make your responses as specific as possible, using examples from the literary texts we have read thus far to illustrate your argument.
Just for today I will try to strengthen my mind. I will study. I will learn something useful. I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.
I sit down and watch people just walk by, I see all kinds of face expressions, I try to read them.
Secondly, I will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge and try to combine thoery to practice.
I am keen to sign off as I know it is time, so that I can read it back and try to sort it out in my head as well as having a good laugh about it all!
Good, now I'd like you to read these E-mails I stored in your computer, from which you will know some of our customers' situations and try your best to remember them by heart.
I read some articles on relaxation techniques and decided to try one on him.
I read some articles on relaxation techniques and decided to try one on him.