They, in turn, are loyal and identify with the company's goals.
To ensure you are creating a differentiated Web service that people can understand and identify with, know your core.
Part of his great popularity as a writer comes from the fact that people who love pets like to read about and identify with other pet lovers.
Attaching too much importance to the knowledge, especially which you think it is right and identify with, will cultivate a habit of rash critique on others.
Blurring the narrator is an effort to communicate and identify with the environment, making the human body hidden behind the nature, therefore creating a unique aesthetic power.
"Transition cannot be and should not be only security," said DE Mistura. "it has to be something more." It needs to be a transition to something that the Afghan people recognize and identify with.
The robots are equipped with many sensors to identify conditions of the environment, using thermal and vision sensors that detect changes in body temperature.
They are often about real people, so you can identify with the characters, and that's what engages us in them.
Imagine how intimidating it can be for prospective students unfamiliar with the complexities of higher education to navigate this kind of information and then identify which schools are the best fit.
Rats and other animals need to be highly at tuned to social signals from others so that they can identify friends to cooperate with and enemies to avoid.
Since this is something we can all identify with, I think it will help us see the relationship between the function of a structure and its style or form.
The robots are equipped with many sensors to identify conditions of the environment, cattle and food, using thermal and vision sensors that detect changes in body temperature.
The various components like coconut mousse, candied pineapple and coconut dacquiose are flavors that I, who grew up in a tropical country, can identify with.
Rats and other animals need to be highly attuned to social signals from others so they can identify friends to cooperate with and enemies to avoid.
A Support Specialist then works with you to identify and resolve the problem.
You could also move beyond that and identify yourself with pure oneness or consciousness, devoid of any particular individuality.
How they work: Onboard computers interpret sensor data to identify and target hostile forces with built-in weapons.
Because we're so used to them - and mostly because we identify with them - they hold a lot of weight in our experience.
This tool has helped me debug issues with my code, how my codes client software might not be setup correct, and help identify issues with other users software.
Another focus of the architect is to identify and manage technical risks associated with the project.
However, just as musicians identify with the history, culture, and technical peculiarities of their instruments, so too do programmers identify with their languages and systems.
The PIER database can store up to 200,000 individuals (both left and right eye) and quickly identify subjects with extremely high accuracy, L-1 said.
He obviously finds that very difficult, and I can identify with that, because I find writing very difficult.
Each recording had a series of rhyming words that the volunteers had to identify, with and without the intelligent microphone, for different levels of background noise.
Validators ensure that a topology represents a valid deployment scenario and help you identify problems with the scenario early in the deployment process.
He needs also to identify the opponent more clearly and stick with it.
Coal miners and steelworkers can identify with the inherited resolve of the lead and zinc miners here.
Coal miners and steelworkers can identify with the inherited resolve of the lead and zinc miners here.