Buffboy and Cooldude haggle and reach an agreement on a price in scrip, the local in-game currency.
How can major economies address the climate-change crisis and reach an agreement in the face of the economic downturn?
Get feedback. Get your boss's feedback on your plan early and reach an agreement on how the project will proceed. Be flexible if your boss makes changes.
"Ultimately this has to be something that they believe in and are willing to commit to, and overcome obstacles and reach an agreement," said P.J. Crowley.
The most important thing is to reach an agreement and to avoid a trade war.
China and the U.S. will meet again to reach an agreement at the settlement of the trade conflict.
We now had a better idea of each sides bottom line and I still believed we had a chance to reach an agreement before the year was out.
Last year, he also advocated the two sides reach an agreement on the teaching of traditional and simplified characters in schools.
So communicate to reach an appropriate agreement, and give him the space to balance out his relationship and friendships.
Recently, oil has been discovered in the sea South of Cyprus (between Cyprus and Egypt) and talks are under way with Egypt to reach an agreement as to the exploitation of these resources.
We've held discussions with both companies in an attempt to resolve this issue and have not been able to reach a satisfactory agreement.
Portugal is the third eurozone country after Greece and Ireland to reach an agreement on a joint bailout from the eu and the IMF.
“We were able to reach an agreement which makes minor changes to strengthen consumer protections and bring competition to a market where there is none, ” Durbin said in a statement.
Of course, in any summit there’s always a risk that the two sides won’t be able to reach an agreement, and that the high-profile effort will damage all involved.
The more frequently a particular work was discussed, the more likely that critics and historians would reach an informal agreement over what to call the piece.
He says we need to sit everyone down at the negotiating table and shut the doors until they reach an agreement because the Palestinians are at a boiling point.
They reach an agreement -encourage each other to consciousness and become one.
Bhutto and General Musharraf have been holding talks on a power sharing deal, but have yet to reach an agreement.
We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products in America and we do hope we can reach an agreement on the terms quoted.
When we can't reach an agreement in case of the dispute, It helps us to get fair and reasonable solution.
Liz: But if we don't reach an agreement, we'll have to come back tomorrow and continue our discussions and deliberations.
Liz: But if we don't reach an agreement, we'll have to come back tomorrow and continue our discussions and deliberations.