This chair fits here between the table and the fireplace.
Love is the candle in the dark and the fireplace in the cold.
Love is the candle in the dark and the fireplace against the cold.
The kitchen is big enough, and the fireplace has enough central heating.
In the evenings, we gathered around the fireplace and talked in hushed whispers.
Why not create a lovely place with the fireplace and volumes?
And a room with books in it induces, at least in some, a feeling not dissimilar to that of a fire in the fireplace on a cold winter's night.
When the Badger had quite done, he got up from his seat and stood before the fireplace, reflecting deeply.
In the evenings, we gathered around the fireplace and talked.
Well might the ferrets rush wildly for the fireplace and get hopelessly jammed in the chimney!
It made her jump and look around at the sofa by the fireplace, from which it seemed to come.
The dirty man went to the fireplace and moved a stone.
The colorful penthouse suite features vibrant blue walls and red carpets, as well as an original Stanford White fireplace, leather chairs and a mahogany wood-beamed ceiling.
The chimney story was this:Santa flew over house tops in a sleigh, he dropped coins by accident and he landed in some stockings hanging next to the fireplace to dry.
关于烟囱的故事来源是这样:圣诞老人驾着雪橇飞过房顶时,不小心掉了一些硬币。 于是,他就落在挂在壁炉边等待晾干的那些长筒袜上。
An image from that evening remains etched in my brain: we're sitting and joking in the cozy living room in front of the fire (the house had an actual working fireplace).
Open that old tome from the bookshelf over the fireplace, stick your nose in its pages and smell the ink, the glue and the immortality of the printed words.
There is a nice old pub, with the heads of foxes caught by the local hunt mounted on the wall and tankards dangling above the fireplace.
Although she was getting tired by then, she scrubbed Jacob's brains and blood from the kitchen window, wall, and floor, and burned everything in the fireplace.
With a pool and patio outside and a working fireplace and spiral staircases inside, the seven-bedroom house should have buyers lining up.
If his dream was to live in the woods, with a fireplace and a typewriter and sheaves of notes hooked on the wall, almost like a deaf-mute in his dealings with the world, that was his affair.
You can have his-and-hers in red and black on either side of the fireplace, the simple countours concealing an elaborate hi-tech frame.
The Loggia overlooks the cactus garden and outdoor fireplace.
NOTE: Do not use your fireplace for cooking until the chimney has been inspected for cracks and damage.
A handful of salt thrown onto the flames in your fireplace will not only produce pretty, vivid yellow flames, it will help loosen soot in the chimney, preventing chimney fires and improving air flow.
I looked around. When my eyes reached a corner of the room near the fireplace, he broke into a happy laugh and rubbed his hands together.
I looked around. When my eyes reached a corner of the room near the fireplace, he broke into a happy laugh and rubbed his hands together.