Enterprises and their customers, suppliers, and there is a relationship between a sense of competition.
A number of small-scale studies have already indicated that there is a relationship between diet and cancer.
There is a great connection between the teacher-student relationship and the teaching effect.
Experts believe there is a relationship between adult abuse of legitimate medicines and the drug culture that has swept our country.
In her opinion, there is a complex relationship among children's progress, the type of toys they are given and the time parents spend on them.
Do you think there is a relationship between minimalism and Zen?
As part of the turnover there is often a period of training and support, perhaps 30 or 60 days, depending upon the relationship and cost.
In today's business-driven enterprise, there is a direct relationship between the enterprise's business capability and the functionality implemented on projects.
In the extended version there is a suggestion that there is more than a father daughter relationship, and while he "protects" her, he teaches her how to be a killer.
Once this initial euphoria wears off, there is every chance that true love can grow and you can have a deep fulfilling relationship with that person.
Physical or emotional intimacy remains no more a priority for either of the partners and there is a numbness in the relationship and communication.
There is also a direct relationship between the way a business treats its employees and the way workers treat the animals in their care.
As they see it, all events must be interpreted in the relationship of stimulus and response, and there is no room left for a search for final causes.
And there is nothing like common interest-and a looming sense of common threat-to form the basis of a strong, productive relationship.
And see if there was a relationship between dropping revenues and litigiousness. What do you think? Is there?
While these two studies do not a theory make, they suggest there is a relationship between the presence of women on boards and financial performance.
There is evidence, at both an individual and a country level, of a relationship between income and happiness.
So there is a two-directional relationship here between the forgiver and forgiven.
It's hardly clear that there is a causal relationship between optimism and health; it could be that they are related to the same underlying gene complex or set of mechanisms.
First, it teaches you that there is a fairly straightforward relationship between effort and result.
There is a relationship between what he says and what these people do.
And, crucially, there is no relationship between a cat's pattern and how sociable it is.
So there is a many-to-many relationship between code blocks and business operations.
There is something of a fracas about the relationship between BPMN and BPDM: is BPMN 'only' a notation or does it have some semantics.
Meanwhile, many studies have examined whether there is a relationship between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders, and study after study has found that vaccines are not associated with ASDs.
Meanwhile, many studies have examined whether there is a relationship between vaccines and autism spectrum disorders, and study after study has found that vaccines are not associated with ASDs.