The Ethiopians do not control the Ogaden and we have warned the Chinese that we will not allow them to drill there.
Tourists were warned to keep away from the lawless border areas, but we viewed the warnings more as an invitation, and set off to explore on rented Honda Dream motorbikes.
"But despite the encouraging and very real progress made, it does not mean we can lower our guard," Dr Diouf warned.
The results "could be misinterpreted to think that we could just wipe our hands and go home," study leader Davis warned.
Stephen Hawking has warned that humans will only survive if we leave Earth and venture into space.
Assad said that he had agreed to do so, and then added that he also has warned Mitchell "that if nothing happens from the other side" -in terms of political progress - "we will stop it."
"Without full funding of these emergency requirements, we risk again the specter of widespread hunger, malnutrition, and social unrest on an unprecedented scale," Ban warned.
We were warned that it might not be the spiritual journey it once was and that we would be sharing it with many others – particularly during the Obon holiday period.
As we exited the vehicle at our next stop, I told the reporter about an enemy sniper in the area who had already killed several Marines, and warned him to move quickly.
Still, Faust warned in an E-mail to faculty, staff and students that "we must recognize that Harvard is not invulnerable to the seismic financial shocks in the larger world."
We were also told to bring our spelling test signed by a parent, and if we didn't, the teacher warned, we would sit out from the activities.
We endure a 12-hour journey over rocky tracks and roads heading back towards India. We have been warned that this will be the most gruelling leg of our trip.
This was a sign for sharks. They warned us and we all went ashore.
He warned, "at the suitable time, we will open the arms depot so all Libyans and tribes become armed, so that Libya becomes red with fire."
On one stretch of desert from Ethiopia to Kenya, we were warned it was really dangerous and people had been killed.
Then, having been warned, we can start observing the respiration, start observing the sensations, and very quickly we find that the negativity passes away.
We have warned that this time was coming, when dramas from the planets caught in the cup with the Earth would play out, and this time has arrived!
"We have a game on Saturday that will certainly be tough, as Juventus are in good shape and we have to recharge our batteries very quickly, otherwise we could run into problems," he warned.
We have warned that travel will become increasingly impossible and problematic as the hour of the pole shift approaches.
We have stated that when the pole shift hits, the majority of the worlds population will not have been warned, and that even among those warned denial will be high.
The apostles Paul and Peter both warned us that we are still in a spiritual battle, we are to watch out so that we will not be devoured by Satan.
Several people warned us that we should both be fully on board before agreeing to make such a big move and after two and a half years here, I understand the wisdom in that advice.
Several people warned us that we should both be fully on board before agreeing to make such a big move and after two and a half years here, I understand the wisdom in that advice.