A recent email from the yarn company Red Heart titled "Health Benefits of Crocheting and Knitting" prompted me to explore what else might be known about the health value of activities like knitting.
Can you tell me a bit about how the competition is judged and what the prizes are?
Stop beating about the bush and tell me what you want.
Before we discuss the joint practices, let me be clear about what the practices are and are not.
What I learned, and what stuck with me through my time teaching writing at Harvard, was a deeper lesson about the nature of creative criticism.
My good performance in the job interview left me optimistic about my future and about what I can do here.
What attracts me to the project most is the chance to communicate with foreign friends and know about other cultures.
I do have a passion for learning about these things and finding what works for me and my family.
"It made me think about how I'm teaching him to have ownership of his own body and how what is shared today endures into the future," Dunham says.
"There's something about me," he thought—and it took him a few seconds but he finally remembered what she used to look like.
And now that you know what not to do, let me tell you a secret about happiness.
The beginning of the conversation is always the part they expect-where they tell me what they know about themselves and their career.
He told me about his plans for the club and what he wanted from me and I appreciated that.
I stared at him and thought again of what Mark had said about me reminding him of someone. An Australian?
What touches me about them is their persistence and optimism in the face of so much difficulty.
But I do have a passion for learning about these things and finding what works for me and my family.
Hillary and I tried to prepare her for what White and Faubus might say about me and how I would respond.
She sometimes takes them all out to look at them and feel them. She sometimes asks me about their contents and I always refuse to tell her what is inside.
I got into a taxi after we had been married about 18 years and the driver asked me what my sign was.
But looking back on it, it was the failed attempts that taught me the most about what works and what doesn't.
But what about when real readers take the time to sit down and write to me?
People pester me and they pester others with inquiries about what I am doing.
Finally, I'd like to thank my friends and neighbors in San Francisco for giving me something to write about, and reminding me what the word community actually means.
You know what got me through today was thinking about you and all our memories.
They taught me about what it means to be a father and to raise a family.
That's what's exciting, and that's what I invite you to think about with me in the course.
He stares a bit and says, "People talk about what happened in 2008, and me, I'm a Zimbabwean." I'm alone here.
He stares a bit and says, "People talk about what happened in 2008, and me, I'm a Zimbabwean." I'm alone here.