When Sunday is over, the boring office may be the last place you think of, but the Apple Park in Cupertino, California may give you a different feeling.
All true, but let's think different, to borrow the Apple marketing slogan of years back.
The Apple worldview has a significant point of internal dissonance, which is aptly summarised by its old exhortation to "Think different".
Apple AAPL_ after Steve Jobs will need a new leader who's willing, as they say, to think different from Jobs.
Apple wants its users to "think different" for example, and Allstate lets its customers know that they're "in good hands."
比如Apple希望用户“think different”,Allstate保险公司告诉它的客户他们“找到了好帮手”。
Apple wants its users to "think different" for example, and Allstate lets its customers know that they're "in good hands."
比如Apple希望用户“think different”,Allstate保险公司告诉它的客户他们“找到了好帮手”。