By using the performance Wizard, you can collect application statistics that can point you to performance issues in your code.
After operating the experiment, taking the theory and method in the application statistics as a foundation, the author analyzes the empirical datum.
I would certainly not side against application code and design in every instance, and in Part 3 of this series, I present methods of monitoring databases for performance statistics.
A statistics application can give you the browsing route of a visitor.
Further action can be taken to update the statistics using the RUNSTATS command, then retrying the application with an up-to-date access plan in place.
The execution statistics view displays statistics about the application execution time (Figure 22).
This is a major improvement over scattering calls to update statistics and to track context throughout my example application.
Other status data such as transaction rates are segmented by application domain and are accumulated only if the statistics setting configuration is enabled, as shown in Figure 7 below.
After a statement has been prepared (compiled) by the application, the statement objects — tables, indexes, statistics — can be altered.
Two useful statistics for measuring how much overhead your application will encounter are the number of JIT compiles and the total amount of time spent performing these compilations.
This allows future usage of the application to report statistics on specific spammers and make recommendations on which comments to delete.
You can also view other statistics, such as the number of hits to your application, how much bandwidth has been used, etc. Figure 13 shows an example.
In other words, the ARFM statistics of the co-located application server are distorted by ODR workload.
When you are done, you will gather some basic statistics from each application for a simple comparison between the technologies.
We "corrected" the data model and application and updated statistics.
我们 “更正”了数据模型以及应用程序,并更新了统计信息。
JVM statistics are invaluable when tuning an application.
This article explains distribution statistics, when they are important, and what application developers should consider so that the DB2 optimizer can create efficient access plans.
本文解释什么是分布统计信息、分布统计信息在哪些情况下尤为重要,以及应用程序开发人员应该考虑些什么,才能使DB 2优化器创建有效的访问计划。
Grape web Statistics is a simple, open-source application geared towards web developers.
An MBean can be a statistics provider that supplies various statistical data for the managed application and resource.
You can open the downloaded CSV file using Lotus Symphony Spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel, or your favorite spreadsheet application and create charts based on the statistics data.
The CruiseControl Web application can draw graphs of important build statistics, such as the ratio of successful builds to failed builds.
The application of inferential statistics to Web data streams involves more than learning the math underlying various statistical tests.
Once the MBean server has been started, the JLAGui can request lock statistics from the running application by navigating though the server into the native library and then on into the running JVM.
The Graphite web application itself is used to display visual graphs of monitoring statistics generated using RESTful URLs.
This means that when the JLAGui is started, you will be able to view lock statistics for the lifetime of the application.
这意味着当启动JLAGui 时,您将能够查看整个应用程序生命周期中的锁统计信息。
Examples: information about application runs, including their frequency, record counts, component-by-component analysis, and other statistics for auditing purposes.
When the query statistics widget shows statistics information, it accesses the ESAdmin web application from the user's client browser through an AJAX request.
I used a checksum reporting application example to show you the basics of Ant scripting with Groovy and a database statistics report to demonstrate the benefits of JDBC programming with GroovySql.
The original application developed for the first article was enhanced with a statistics collector message bean and interleaved transactions for generating entity identifiers.
A workload from an e-commerce shopping application that gathers many statistics during a simulated online shopping session, including latency times and the number of requests per second.