Can we generalize common solutions to apply to similar problems?
Perhaps there is a lesson you can extract and apply to similar events in the future.
Once you apply all these effects, you should get something similar to the image below.
The transformation layer will apply an inference process (similar to forward-chaining) and check for each node in the plan tree to see which query transformations apply to that node.
You can apply this simple concept to use multiple style sheets based on other similar conditions.
The SOA context presents many similar challenges to the traditional context, so we believe it's important to reuse these proven existing approaches and enhance them to apply them within SOA.
England's ban doesn't apply to other regions in the U.K. such as Scotland, where the implementation of a similar law has been held up by litigation.
A similar rule now seems to apply to energy companies in Russia.
You can apply similar strategies to other shells.
You can also apply filters to the Browse module, similar to how you can filter search results.
可以向 Browse模块应用过滤器,正如过滤搜索结果一样。
The design of the API is similar to that of the Windows registry; most of the statements in the first three paragraphs of this article apply equally well to the registry.
In a similar vein, with an XML table, you can apply YQL filters to any XML document, combining it with XPath to retrieve specific node collections.
This is similar to having plus operators (" + ") that apply to integers, decimals, floats, doubles, or a mix of these types. This is also similar to the polymorphism found in object orientation.
Once you apply all these effects you should get something similar to the image below.
Armed with this information, anyone who has a need to understand locking can apply the techniques and principles used here to their own scenario and produce a similar analysis and recommendations.
Similar technical considerations apply to many different types of products that require designers to choose where and how to implement function.
Similar objections apply to using a board as a desktop; people will have to get used to using pads and tabs on a desk as an adjunct to computer screens before taking embodied virtuality even further.
Similar considerations apply to dealing with pests and diseases.
Filtering: in a similar way, with this new API, the robot can specify what events it needs to respond to, conserving valuable bandwidth — and ignore all those that don't apply.
Similar rules should also apply to, say, a crop with an artificial genome.
In a similar way, you need to apply a different mindset to designing multiple service-oriented (so) solutions across the enterprise as opposed to designing a single so solution.
Also note that even though the output is similar to a document, the same uniqueness requirement doesn't apply.
Once your internship is complete, you're free to return to your original position and, if a position opens up that requires similar skills acquired during the internship, you are free to apply.
After considering the XDIME markup, layouts, and components, the next logical step is to apply style information to the content targeted for a device, similar to CSS for HTML.
考虑完x DIME的标记、布局、组件之后,接下来的一步是把样式信息加入到设计内容中去,类似于HTML的CSS。
Similar concerns apply to the UK, Germany, Japan, and other rich countries.
Similar principles apply to whatever window manager you prefer.
I'd like to think I've learned some things about how Apple has done what it's done, and perhaps I can apply those lessons to other companies that are trying to record similar successes.
Indeed, partially because APA's definition of drug dependence is so flexible, researchers have begun to apply similar reasoning to other "addictive" behaviors.
You've seen how you can apply curried closures to functional patterns, so now let's take a look at what happens when we revisit an important object-oriented design pattern using similar techniques.
You've seen how you can apply curried closures to functional patterns, so now let's take a look at what happens when we revisit an important object-oriented design pattern using similar techniques.