The examining and approving agency shall give a written reply within one month of receiving the application.
The operating term may be extended after expiration upon the approval of the examining and approving agency.
In case the said deadline is not prescribed in the agreement, the approving agency shall not approve the transfer.
And the examining and approving agency shall get the consent of the Ministry of Science and Technology when granting the approval.
Besides suggesting that the agency reduces the time between approving experiments and sending them into space, it also recommended setting clearer research priorities.
The House also targeted the EPA's regulations on cement plants, approving in a 250-177 vote an amendment prohibiting the agency from using funds to implement or enforce the rule.
Dr. Temple said the link between LDL cholesterol and heart disease was so strong that the agency was comfortable approving drugs on the basis that they lowered cholesterol alone.
Dr. Temple said the link between LDL cholesterol and heart disease was so strong that the agency was comfortable approving drugs on the basis that they lowered cholesterol alone.