Archon Beed Thane of Vergill was particularly opposed, and theatrically insulted Leia Organa Solo in order to provoke an honor duel from Isolder.
The powers of these avatars of psionic might extend well beyond those of the regular archon, more than compensating for their lack of any physical attack capability.
As I am writing this, an important operation of the Light forces on the surface of the planet is healing the Congo portal, the focal point of the Archon invasion of 1996.
One message of the Cross of Lorraine is that in every Archon or Black nobility family there are beings of Light incarnated who secretly or openly work for the Light and against the plans of the Cabal.
One message of the Cross of Lorraine is that in every Archon or Black nobility family there are beings of Light incarnated who secretly or openly work for the Light and against the plans of the Cabal.