The opera song that Andy Dufresne plays over the loud speakers is Canzonetta sull' aria from Mozart's Marriage of Figaro.
Listen to this aria from the opera.
WAI-ARIA - an accessibility standard.
WAI - ARIA——一个无障碍标准。
Flutter, or sing an aria down these rooms.
You can find information for WAI-ARIA from
您可以在w3.org上找到关于WAI - ARIA的更多信息。
The W3C ARIA standard also defines this "role" attribute.
W3CARIA标准也定义了此 “角色”属性。
Table 1 shows the main taxonomy of WAI-ARIA contents.
表1显示了WAI - ARIA内容的主要分类。
ARIA is a good technology to use in Web 2.0 applications.
ARIA是用于Web 2.0应用程序的一项很好的技术。
It requires work on the part of the browser to support ARIA.
WAI-ARIA has the ability to enhance the keyboard accessibility.
WAI- ARIA能够增强键盘可访问性。
Solve common accessibility Issues in dynamic Web contents using wai-aria.
使用WAI - ARIA解决动态web内容中的常见可访问性问题。
Becky: ARIA defines the role and state metadata to be added to a DHTML control.
Listing 3 shows the window text code from Listing 2 with an added ARIA "live" tag.
The Opera browser is also working to support ARIA and full keyboard accessibility.
WDTJ: Becky, can you describe an ARIA technique you employed in the core widget set?
As you'll see in the upcoming examples, most of the attributes are WAI-ARIA-specific.
在以下的例子中,您将看到,大多数属性是特定于WAI - ARIA的。
Its classical aria "Una Furtiva Lagrima" became world famous after Pavarotti's performance.
It is a scenic art integrating music, performance, literature, aria, and face-painting.
With WAI-ARIA, you can identify regions that will change dynamically as a "live" region.
通过WAI - ARIA,您可以标识作为“活动”区域动态更改的区域。
The ARIA specification is nearing completion and will be fully implemented in Firefox 3.
ARIA规范已经快要完成了,将会在Firefox 3中完全实现。
With the help of WAI-ARIA "live" region definition, you can solve the pop-up window problem.
借助WAI - ARIA的“活动”区域定义,您可以解决弹出窗口问题。
These two attributes are used by WAI-ARIA technology, which we'll discuss later in this article.
可以通过WAI - ARIA技术来使用这两个属性,我们将在本文中稍后讨论。
It allows all HTML elements to receive keyboard focus because ARIA extends the tabindex property scope.
The earlier version may have some bugs when reading the ARIA attributes, while the later version does not.
早期版本可能在读取ARIA属性方面存在 bug,后期版本则没有。
Accessibility including keyboard navigation, low vision support, and ARIA markup for assistive technologies
In fact, while the EVO is the biggest Android phone, the Aria is the most compact, with its 3.2-inch screen.
Suddenly, I began to hear the sound of my favorite aria. I could sense the aroma of a familiar aromatic substance.
Take any popular song and compare it to any aria by the Italian opera composer Vincenzo Bellini (1801-1835), for example.
Nessun Dorma, a deliriously beautiful aria, is known by millions of people, but if you ask them to sing it, they can't.
Her musical journey is a part of Chinese dream, the beautiful sounds of the Oriental language and the harmonious sounds of aria.