Since 20 years GUSBI also supply machines for manufacture of spring-aids, arm-rests, bicycle saddles and remote control housings.
This chair has a deep comfort nylon seat and back canvas, and full length padded arm rests.
The arm rests can even be used for curls thanks to their tensioned resistance.
Release your hands from the walker and reach down and hold onto the arm rests. Slowly lower yourself keeping your operated leg straight out in front.
You're using your laptop and your phone at the same time. This requires good arm rests, provided by either tabletop or chair.
Crucially, the formers, which act as arm rests and dividers between the three seats, can also be moved left or right to alter their width, making the seats bigger or smaller.
By now you're sat with your legs crossed, with your hands in your lap, with your hands on the arm rests-even with your hands crossed behind your head.
The arm rests provide a comfortable, free range of motion that can relieve tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulder, wrist, and arm areas.
Those not securely strapped into their seats can, and have, flown into galley carts, arm rests or the ceiling, breaking hips, arms and noses and risking concussion.
那些没有留在座位上系好安全带的乘客,有可能会撞上服务推车、座椅扶手或天花板,撞断自己的髋骨、手臂、鼻子,甚至有脑震荡的危险。 此类状况已有先例。
The arm rests aid computer users wherever tasks require repetitive motions at or above the work surface.
This flexible arm control is rests on the flexible arm dynamics model, with the strange perturbation theory, it is diveded into two sub-systems (slow, quick change).
Sure, we could have given all the seats their own arm rests, but then airplane flights would be so much less interesting from a social psychology point of view.
It had the latest technology-removable arm rests and leg rests-and was made of wood.
It had the latest technology-removable arm rests and leg rests-and was made of wood.