Your poor father would suffer terribly if I were to use you as firewood.
As smart as vegetables goes, I guess you continue loving them, just because you know that if they were better, the relationship would be as before.
"I have to see you," he said in a low voice, without thinking, as if there were someone else in the empty common room.
For if I taught one aspect of life to you, it will not apply as directly as I had intended no matter how simple and direct the instructions were.
Okay, most of you know my dirty secret, but I wouldn't have one if I were in the same country as my stuff!
Though to be fair, if you were late for a class, did your professor ever accept, "I had to stop and help a wounded traveler" as an excuse?
Now, it will not come as news to me if I were to learn that several of you, maybe even many of you, in this class accept hedonism.
He looked at me over his shoulder and nodded a thank-you before bringing his song to life on the guitar. I watched Ray's fingers dance across the strings as if they were himself, running free.
If you're a midlife career changer (as both my husband and I were), you can even leverage your experience in a different field to help build your reputation in IT.
If you were to give me forty such men, I never could be so happy as you.
"Oh, you scoundrel," said the Lord, "if I were to judge as you judge, how would it have gone with you?"
But if you were a tear in my eye I would never cry as I wood be afraid to lose you!
I love you as if you were my son.
I remember when we were talking as a jury, the comment was brought up, 'You know, if I were in this situation, I would snap.'
Gideon replied, "Those were my brothers, the sons of my own mother. As surely as the LORD lives, if you had spared their lives, I would not kill you."
'I was upset by what was happening, and I thought as I went out the door: "I'd smash a plate over your head if you were my husband!"
The fox said, "I will help you. Just lie down, stretch out as if you were dead, and do not stir."
I have loved you as if you were my son.
'It felt like my country changed while I was away, almost as if your parents moved house while you were away at college and didn't tell you.'
If your child reacts indignantly, let him know you understand, as in, "it wouldn't surprise me if you were upset that I wouldn't let you watch your favorite TV show all week."
I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz.
If only I were as young as you!
No, no, my dear Edmond--my boy--my son!--no; but I did not expect you; and joy, the surprise of seeing you so suddenly--Ah, I feel as if I were going to die.
I think you looked as if you were half-asleep throughout the song.
Furion Stormrage: in the Dream, I felt our land being corrupted, just as if it were my own body. You were right to awaken me.
I love you in the warm weather cold, I love you for an hour to order, I love you frowning at me as if I were a madman, I love with you were still lingering fragrance lingers.
"You see," a Frenchman explains, "if I were to say to you in France, 'This is my good friend,' that person would not be as close to me as someone about whom I said only, 'This is my friend."
Now if I were to give to you the specific date as you had asked earlier, all of this would then disappear for you.
If I were you, I would prefer to Human Resource Management, as it is a new style profession nowadays.
If I were you, I would prefer to Human Resource Management, as it is a new style profession nowadays.