This second robot in Hitachi's EMIEW series (which stands for Excellent Mobility and Interactive Existence as Work-mate) is the perfect deskmate.
These documents don't qualify as leisure reading, but they can work wonders if you're looking for a way to do excellent research on the company.
The regular expression support in Perl is excellent, and the sed examples above will all work as valid Perl statements.
As (in an excellent summary) Alex Tabarrok puts it, their work separately grappled with different ways of addressing the Lucas Critique of 1976.
正如alex Tabarrok所形容的,他们的成果分别各自以不同方法解决了1976年的卢卡斯批判。
The patient's psychological recovery was "excellent," with complete social reintegration, according to the study. He also began full-time work as an accounting agent 13 months after the transplant.
The time it takes you to get to and from work is an excellent time to clear your mind so you're ready to be productive in the morning or leave work stress behind as you head home.
Through the expertise of the learning community, as well as practical experience, I have accumulated some work experience, and have achieved excellent performance practice.
I performed excellent during the job interview and the boss asked me to work as soon as possible.
As a concept, transfer pricing appeared at the earliest stage in 1883. Since a century, numerous scholars have done a lot of work to research the transfer pricing and obtain many excellent results.
For a long time, our company has always been taking "Stress on trustworthiness, practicality and excellent service" as our work purpose in the industry of real estate.
After the interview, the head teacher chose some excellent college graduates to work as teachers.
校长经过面试,选择了几个优秀的大学毕业生从事教学工作 ;
After the interview, the head teacher chose some excellent college graduates to work as teachers.
校长经过面试,选择了几个优秀的大学毕业生从事教学工作 ;