Albert Einstein predicted this in 1905, when he introduced the concept of relative time as part of his special theory of relativity.
One radical solution to the problem is to view time as a concept that humans have made up.
Moreover, the time to take a digital design from concept to production will drop, he believes, by as much as 50-80%.
更重要的是,他相信,将数字化设计从概念到成品的时间将下降50%- 80%。
The system as a whole has a quantized concept of time: time begins at 1 and increments every time signals propagate from one layer to the next.
Although changes in the rock made in a year can certainly be described as rapid, the concept of "ultimately" in geological time could be thousands-or even millions-of years.
The concept here is to get as many users on the platform as possible, in the shortest amount of time.
The concept of a container is critical at design time and is useful in other situations as well.
As part of the iterative testing method, you can use your early coding cycles to test your product's concept and flush out glitches in your development processes at the same time.
The concept builds on time-tested procedures that have been used to keep airlines flying and industrial firms going even as their capital structures were being reorganised.
On the PC front, we've seen concept laptops with two displays for some time now, usually with the idea that the bottom screen can be used as a virtual keyboard when needed.
The team of researchers, led by University of Portsmouth, said that it is the first time they have been able to prove time is not a deeply entrenched universal human concept, as previously thought.
"This is the first time that new media worked as a proven concept for how a mainstream media organization can cover an event like this online, " says Riyaad Minty, a new media analyst with Al Jazeera.
They had the concept right, but they surely never conceived of patenting clicks . It’s time to do as Brad Feld suggests: simply abolish these abominations.
Time management should give priority to your effectiveness, efficiency, the concept of times as the starting point.
As far as the essence implies concept of time, the substance means presence and act.
To formulate laws based on a static concept of time, such as 'balance of nature, ' is to misconstrue the essence of the process.
As the "ant tribe" concept has been continually hyped for some time, a group of youth living in narrow apartments in the suburbs has started attracting public attention.
Real time allows users to contribute content, which is then broadcasted as it is being uploaded - the concept is analogous to live radio and television broadcasts.
This misperception comes from the fact that the Buddhist concept of karma came to the West at the same time as non-Buddhist concepts, and so ended up with some of their luggage.
Aim at the mission of UUV, it chooses time critical striking as the object and do some research on its concept, mode, characteristic and the main parameter of striking effect.
The educational concept of high quality and low burden is of important guidance for the time being as a quality index for educators.
Ought to say, this was once of the education on the Concept of Life and Death that I had gotten, as well the earliest time of such education.
In the mean time the concept of Active Learning is not very clearly defined. In some instances it is used as a synonym of concepts like "problem based learning" or "learning by doing".
Some parents with children in business, farming no work, the concept of time in another city family as most children babysitter, and no work from morning till night in labor time limit.
These concepts accorded with the main international conservation theory. But, with the time passing, the concept of "restoration as the past" is out of the main conservation theory of today.
The increasingly wide use of computer in power plants results in the generation and application of real-time database and the concept of SIS as well.
This dissertation consists of four parts:Part one is the introduction of the legal scope of working time. It also discusses some related concept, such as working time, rest time and so on.
This dissertation consists of four parts:Part one is the introduction of the legal scope of working time. It also discusses some related concept, such as working time, rest time and so on.