An alternative perspective is to look at the wealth effect of asset deflation.
The collapsing asset prices triggered capital outflows that reinforced asset deflation.
Retail investors, large holders of cash, dissave (thus reversing one of the key drivers of asset deflation) and divest deposits into equity assets.
Japan's bubble was able to deflate gradually over a decade because it had been financed by local Banks that could control the pace of asset deflation.
With asset prices plummeting and economies shrinking, deflation will soon be a bigger worry.
So deflation in asset prices can turn into a vicious circle.
Faced with sinking asset prices, insolvent Banks, moribund growth and deflation, the bank of Japan (BoJ) eventually lowered its policy rate to zero in 1999.
A burst of inflation would lift asset prices, ease the weight on debtors (whose real burdens are increased by deflation) and improve public finances.
Since 2003, China's economy has experienced a rapid growth and shake off the deflation problem, the real estate and stock, represented asset prices rising firstly.
That has created an economic downturn and the fact is that when you defend a currency the result would be asset price deflation, deflation in the value of land, homes, as well as the stock market.
A large and sustained asset price fall could have huge economic costs, including contributing to the risk of deflation-as illustrated by Japan's experience.
A large and sustained asset price fall could have huge economic costs, including contributing to the risk of deflation-as illustrated by Japan's experience.