"The North-East is already at a critical stage," said Martin Joerss, a McKinsey partner in Beijing, who was the main author of the study.
China would not change the orientation of its stimulating economic policy as the country is at a critical stage in the recovery of the economy.
Those policies are at a critical stage and these documents may very well underscore the stakes and make the calibrations needed to get the policy right.
A critical best practice for avoiding scope creep, therefore, is to facilitate the change of requirements at any stage of the development process.
If the beta customer identifies critical usability or missing functionality at this stage, you have a difficult decision: release with the critical defect or delay the release in order to redesign.
At this stage, a source-to-target mapping is critical.
It is the first critical choice a child has to learn because it is a choice they will be faced with over and over at every stage in their life.
Now China, no longer a command economy, is at a critical transitional stage.
Comprehensive identification is critical, because a risk that is not identified at this stage will not be included in further analysis.
At this stage, the simple, stable and logic form of his early work was replaced by a kind of complex, dynamic and rhetoric form and he started to take up a"critical"position.
Lee admits that deep, and China by the AIDS epidemic is in a high-risk groups to ordinary people critical of the proliferation of large-scale, prevention and control at a crucial stage.
A bird learns to sing and to fly rapidly at the right time, but the process is slow and hard once the critical stage has passed.
CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) play a critical role in eradicating Plasmodium falciparum at the pre-erythrocyte stage of the parasite infection.
CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) play a critical role in eradicating Plasmodium falciparum at the pre-erythrocyte stage of the parasite infection.