Opposite my house is a cinema which sells tickets at a lower price.
You can afford to sell your products at a lower price.
A: How about taking the damaged portion at a lower price?
Each day offer different product or service at a lower price.
General perception is that one can get a car at a lower price in such auction.
Customers can be lured away by sites that offer the same product at a lower price.
Short sellers sell borrowed shares with plans to buy them back later at a lower price.
The lingering hope for shareholders must be that Microsoft will return, albeit at a lower price.
China could procure oil, coal and gas at a lower price and increase strategic energy reserves easily.
An antidumping duty could benefit the importing nation by causing the dumper to deliver at a lower price .
Even if farmers sell milk at a lower price, dairy products bought by consumers may not become more favorable.
My biggest business competitor had already sent their salesmen out to demonstrate their products at a lower price!
Short sellers, who borrow stocks then sell them in the hope of buying them back at a lower price, have reaped a bonanza.
The net return to the seller is the price less the tariff, which is why this can be equivalent to buying at a lower price.
What's more, Apple's rules dictate that publications can't offer these same subscriptions at a lower price outside the App Store.
Short selling is selling borrowed stock in the expectation of buying it back later at a lower price, and keeping the difference.
Invisible Hand: Does a quick price check and lets you know if the product you are looking at is available at a lower price elsewhere.
Jonas says he has to cope with low-cost competitors trying to mimic what he does at a lower price, in a quest for short-term big profits.
I think the probability of owning equities for 25 years, and having them end up at a lower price than where you started, is probably 1 in 100.
But markets for commodities are global, and the risk of any one consumer cornering supplies, or securing them at a lower price, is negligible.
One study found that those who are sad are more likely to want to sell at a lower price and buy at a higher price (Lerner, Small &Loewenstein, 2004).
One study found that those who are sad are more likely to want to sell at a lower price and buy at a higher price (Lerner, Small &Loewenstein, 2004).