We hugged and kissed and then went for that now-celebratory drink at the fancy hotel bar (Drew even surprised me with a room there for the night).
If he could blind himself to Ivetta’s presence in the dining room, to the people jostling him, to the gangsters at the bar, he could arrive at a solution.
The evidence may be circumstantial at first — say, spectral bar codes of interesting molecules like oxygen, ozone, methane and water — and leave room for alternative interpretations.
I ask at the bar if there's a function room.
At the bar, the larger gangster was smoking a cigarette and surveying the foyer and the dining room.
While drinking at the bar, the gentleman next to me said he had Hotels.com all figured out, and he had paid $60 for his room.
A bar-stand at the end of the living room, behind the stand it is a dining-room, in which there is a door to the kitchen.
We ended the night with more dear friends, over drinks at a hotel bar, and my wife and I had a room booked for the night upstairs while my mother graciously babysat back at our place.
A marble surround on a nearby faux fireplace is repeated around the shelving behind the bar in the dining room at the opposite end of the space.
A marble surround on a nearby faux fireplace is repeated around the shelving behind the bar in the dining room at the opposite end of the space.