This time she noticed a hook at one end, and there were several words on the bottom of the box: Hang on a sunny window.
You can name each window, and you can place a status bar at the bottom of each window to differentiate one from another.
At least, she believes it to be so; but it is an error to imagine that fate can be exhausted, and that one has reached the bottom of anything whatever.
A well-designed data warehouse has a pyramid of summary tables, each one containing more detail until you arrive at the fact table, at the bottom of the pyramid.
A similar popup view shows at least partial query results if you hover your cursor over one of the queries at the bottom.
Meanwhile, back at the farm, the man who had bought his farm happened to be crossing a small stream on the property one day when he saw something gleaming at the bottom of the stream.
Another option enables an overview of the entire solution at the bottom right, for large complex solutions with too many modules to fit on one screen.
When the user clicks one of the images, the catalog page shows pictures of items across the top and detailed information of each item at the bottom.
The handset itself is one of HTC's best design jobs yet, feeling good in the hand with responsive touch sensitive buttons sitting at the bottom of the screen.
One above the other, the protruding cages of the toilets make a sort of tower: toilets with mould-soft walls, marshy at the bottom.
A few useful links appear at the bottom of the page (see Figure 2), including a link to help you determine memory use, a profiler, and one to manage user sessions.
Mimas, at the upper right, has an enormous impact crater on one side, and Tethys, at the bottom, has a huge rift zone called Ithaca Chasma that runs nearly three-quarters of the way around the moon.
One thing I really like is that at the bottom of the screenis listed the most popular keyboard shortcuts.
On measures like employment, public debt and school performance, Berlin ranks at or near the bottom among Germany’s 16 states (it is one of three city-states).
In this case, one of the possible ways to speed page download times is to put the script at the bottom of the page, so that the page loads more quickly.
Investor capitulation is one of the final signs he looks for at a bear-market bottom.
At the bottom of it was a number which looked like one of those serial Numbers you find on the underside of stereo sets which always takes so long to copy on to the registration form.
Even if you spend two or three months in one place, the imprint of the Nomad will be forever drawn at the bottom of your heart.
One suggested location is at the bottom of the ocean.
Remove the top of the drum and cut a small opening on one side at the bottom.
The diamond-shaped markers at the bottom of the diagram indicate that one or more requests are completed at this point.
Now finally I want to take up the example, the most controversial example in his essay, one which is a source of outrage for most readers, at the bottom of page 1893 in the left-hand column.
That points to one problem with the exercise: a 4% minimum at the bottom of the cycle may be too low.
The girls, who improvised a sledge from a roof cut off a 4x4 vehicle, were unable to stop at the bottom of the hill and broke through one fence before hitting a second.
这几个女孩用一块从四驱越野车上切下的顶板制作了一架简易雪橇。 她们在小丘底部停不住雪橇,撞穿了一层铁丝网,然后挂在了另一层上。
There will be one frame by default. Make a second frame by clicking on the little “page” icon at the bottom of the animation toolbar.
第三步: 打开动画窗口(Window -> Animation),有一帧图片是默认的,点击动画工具栏里的小“page”图标来制作第二帧。
If you look at the body of the HTML page near the bottom of the listing, you see that this header is literally in a header tag-one of the new HTML elements in HTML 5.
When you drag pictures from one list to another or to the trash at the bottom of the screen, you should see another Ajax request going out, as shown in Figure 4.
When you drag pictures from one list to another or to the trash at the bottom of the screen, you should see another Ajax request going out, as shown in Figure 4.