Not a word did say at the last meeting.
The matter was talked over at the last meeting.
Taylor presided at the last meeting of the directors.
We are going to talk about the problem discussed at the last meeting.
The question of changing the club's rules was mooted at the last meeting.
He quickly passed over the decisions which had been made at the last meeting.
At the last meeting the participants together make an simple evaluation of what they have learned and achieved.
We are sorry to tell you that our management was not satisfied with the forecast provided by you at the last meeting.
This obscures Mr Bernanke's feat at the last meeting in mustering unanimous support for a highly controversial policy.
Traders took solace in the hawkish demeanor of the ECB seemingly forgetting how they were let down by the bank at the last meeting.
The depreciation of the dollar raises concerns among world leaders who agreed at the last meeting to refrain from "competitive devaluation" of currencies.
When monetary policymakers from around Europe began meeting at the European Central Bank in Frankfurt last year to set interest rates for the new Euroland, they held their deliberations in English.
去年,当欧洲各国的货币政策制定者开始在法兰克福的欧洲央行(European Central Bank)开会,为新欧元区设定利率时,他们在会上讲的是英文。
It's reported that he made public at this decision at the last cabinet meeting.
During the discussion of rock singing verses at last month's stockholders' meeting, Levin asserted that"music is not the cause of society's ills" and even cited his son.
Another newspaper article: DELIRIUM TREMENS TWAIN—Mark Twain, who was to make a speech at the mass meeting of the Independents last night, didn't come to time!
Were you at the meeting last Sunday?
Why else, after all, would he have proposed a Tobin tax at the G20 meeting in Fife last weekend?
The last HBES meeting I attended was at the University of California, Santa Barbara, in 1995, and it was sparsely attended.
Hans Rosling at a panel discussion on global health on July 1st, the last day of the Lindau meeting.
At its last meeting, in mid-September, the group threatened to cut its output without notice if the price fell further.
在OPEC 9月中旬召开的会议中,组织威胁说如果价格继续下滑的话将减少产量。
At the first meeting, last month in Washington, the members listened to an array of information and opinions from others.
The board of directors approved your proposal at the meeting last week.
At a last informal meeting in Copenhagen before the summit begins, environment ministers from more than 40 countries are currently discussing what can be salvaged from the talks.
At its meeting last month, the Fed hinted that future bond purchases would help get inflation back to more historically normal levels.
The intense pressure on women executives these days came into focus last week at a meeting of the 100 women in Hedge Funds group.
At last week's Digital Hollywood meeting in Santa Monica, California, the question on a lot of people's lips was how to fight back.
At last week's Digital Hollywood meeting in Santa Monica, California, the question on a lot of people's lips was how to fight back.