In between these visits, at the request of the hospital manager, I am constantly on the phone to my travel insurance party, as neither hospital nor insurer seems to accept what the other is saying.
At the request of either party, the arbitral tribunal may take any interim measures it deems necessary or appropriate.
Party A has right to request Party B to provide updated information at any time regarding to the status of the work request.
For proper reasons, a party may request the postponement of a hearing at least three days before a hearing.
At the request of a party or as required by an arbitral tribunal, an authentication agency shall send the authenticators to participate in the hearing.
It may, at the request of a Party or on its own motion, extend, in exceptional cases, a period of time fixed by these Rules or by the Panel.
At the request of either party the expert, after delivery of the report, may be heard at a hearing where the parties shall have the opportunity to be present and to interrogate the expert.
Either Contracting Party may at any time request consultations on the implementation, interpretation, application or amendment of this Agreement or compliance with this Agreement.
Either Contracting Party may at any time request consultations on the implementation, interpretation, application or amendment of this Agreement.
Mr . and mrs michael garwood request the honor of your presence at an gardon party to celebrate their daughter's graduation from college. michael garwood.
The tribunal shall hold a hearing at the request of either Contracting Party, or at its discretion, within 30 (thirty) days after replies are due.
If the partnership is not established or is terminated, the receiving party shall, at the request of the disclosing party, return confidential information and its carriers to the disclosing.
The tribunal shall hold a hearing at the request of either Party or at its discretion within 15 days after replies are due.
The tribunal shall hold a hearing at the request of either Contracting Party, or at its discretion, within 30 days after replies are due.
The tribunal shall hold a hearing at the request of either Contracting Party, or at its discretion, within 30 days after replies are due.