Chengyu pointed with pursed lips at the work site opposite.
In spite of the weather, they managed to push along and arrive at the work site before daybreak.
In spite of the weather, they managed to push along and arrived at the work site before daybreak.
The access account provided by this order is only licensed to the company and its employees at the work site referred, unless exceptions are stated.
Each local team needs to run frequent builds of its pieces of the product by running subsets of the build system that allocates the work back to machines running at their site.
Ms.Ge's work at the Web site brings her into daily contact with a broad range of opinion among the post-’80s.
If you choose to hide your address because you work from home, then get a mailbox at the UPS Store or your local equivalent and put that street address on your site.
It was three years before he quit his day job in a general management program at Intuit to work on the site full time.
"Many women believe that staying at home full-time means throwing their education and work experience out the window," says an article posted on the site.
It was also - as the site says, balefully glaring at me - an experiment to see how much of this stuff would work for me.
Meantime, work at the site will focus on stabilizing the fragile niche rock to further salvage history.
Team members at each site work with their local copy of the repository, so WAN or intranet performance issues are minimized.
For now, work at the site is on hold. She hopes to return in the fall.
Work will be performed on-site at the Air Force base.
Last week Gordon Brown joined members of the International Olympic Committee at the site of London \ \ \ 's Olympic stadium in east London as building work began ahead of schedule.
The developer to whom the project manager at Site A assigned the new change request sees that he has a new "High Priority" work item.
The Web site did the work of finding people for him, providing a list of likely connections by searching its own database of people who had overlapped with him at past jobs.
Work on the construction site was at full blast.
Decide what you can spend while at work during the week and put that amount into an envelope, said Dayana Yochim, a personal finance expert with the Motley Fool, the financial advice Web site.
理财咨询网站MotleyFool的个人理财专家Dayana Yochim建议,可以计划好一周的正常开销,把这笔钱装进一个信封里。
The Twitter updates and new Web site are part of an effort to increase communication about a broader range of topics that Mr. Gates has focused on since leaving full-time work at Microsoft in 2008.
They also worked on adapting to the daily climb from base camp at 8, 000 feet to the work site at 17, 500 feet.
The people I watched hurrying to work past the construction site at Ground Zero early yesterday morning were surely not thinking about buildings collapsing as a result of terrorist attack.
我观察到,昨天清晨人们匆匆走过归零地(译注:Ground Zero,即世贸遗址)建筑工地时,那些人肯定不再想到这些建筑物的倒塌是由恐怖袭击造成的。
But out of all the ways to take a break at work, Facebook really seems to be the least offensive - especially if the employee has built up a work-related network of friends and colleagues on the site.
The fire had destroyed years of hard work, said Erik Amir, a senior architect at OMA, who rushed to the site.
“大火摧毁了数年来的努力,”冲到现场的OMA资深建筑师ErikAmir说,“她在跟公众见面之前就被毁了,真是太令人伤感了。” 他说。
Meantime , work at the site will focus on stabilizing the fragile niche rock to further salvage history.
Meantime , work at the site will focus on stabilizing the fragile niche rock to further salvage history.