I clean my apartment and I usually go out for brunch at least one day of the weekend.
Although bad weather, like that of the May Day weekend, keeps boats and booms at bay, it also ACTS as a dispersant itself, mixing the oil into the water.
At IBM, I probably put in just as many late nights and weekends, but somewhere deep down I knew that if I didn't work one weekend, or went home at 5 p.m. one day, the stock wasn't going to tank.
F: Banks play there all day during the weekend, but there are loads of performance's at other venues in the area.
For Memorial Day Weekend, I went mountain biking in Moab and had a blast at the Desert Rocks Music Festival.
For Father's Day, my parents drove to Denver and we packed up the camping gear for a fun weekend at the Great Sand Dunes.
在父亲节,我父母驱车来到丹佛,我们在Great Sand Dunes野营,度过了一个快乐的周末。
The sequel to 2006's 'Night at the Museum' has brought in more than $105 million since it opened over Memorial Day weekend.
这部2006年《博物馆之夜》(Nightatthe Museum)的续集自阵亡将士纪念日周末公映以来已经创造了超过 1.05亿美元的票房。
September rolled in, we finished the majority of the work in our 60-Day Push and Trish and I drove up to Estes Park for an epic weekend at the Scottish-Irish Festival.
I managed to lose the ability to speak the day after a big party in Freetown at the weekend.
Many Americans view Labor Day as a welcome end-of-summer three-day weekend to spend at the beach or the barbecue pit.
If you're working five days a week at your day job and trying to cram in more at the weekend, you're eventually going to crash and burn.
It's the first day back at work after a weekend of relaxation or fun, time to oneself, maybe a little extra sleep.
Anything from taking out the rubbish to a romantic weekend away is likely to be looked on more favourably if broached at the end of the working day.
The previous weekend, sizeable numbers of demonstrators had converged on Rome for a "No Berlusconi Day" at which the prime minister was variously deplored and ridiculed.
Weekend sleep, is not too much time in 10 hours, and is better than before 12 o 'clock at night until the next day before 10:00, when sleeping, spirit relaxed.
Never send an email at the end of the day or the start of a weekend.
At the weekend, I have one day to play, because I must do my homework and paint in one day.
I carve out time for long runs in the middle of the day, even if it means working later at night or on the weekend.
Mondays are generally seen as the worst day of the week because people feel grumpy and tired at having to go back to work after a weekend with a different sleep pattern.
Participants had to wear the belt for at least one whole school day and one weekend day for their data to be included.
Every weekend after that day, he will sit by the window near the door and order a cup of cappuccino. She will sit at the corner and order a cup of latte.
Have you heard that our British guests are arriving at a weekend for a two-day visit?
How do you usually spend your weekend? I usually stay at home and watch TV all day, it's boring. But last week, I had a wonderful weekend.
If you can slip away for a fun weekend at a friend's house, do it over August 22, my favorite day of the month for socializing.
Anything from taking out the rubbish to a romantic weekend away is likely to be looked on more favourably if broached at the end of the working day.
After years of working on and off throughout most weekends, I was trying a new approach by taking off at least one entire day every weekend this month, away from reporting, writing and all other work.
After years of working on and off throughout most weekends, I was trying a new approach by taking off at least one entire day every weekend this month, away from reporting, writing and all other work.