Over the years, several state attorneys general have filed lawsuits after consumers said they had been misled.
The immediate flashpoint is a proposed settlement between state attorneys general and the mortgage servicing industry.
At the end of last month, GM Financial said it also received subpoenas from state attorneys general "and other authorities."
Still, with fourteen state attorneys general already suing to stop parts of the reform, some states may refuse to coöperate, forcing a showdown.
The Master Settlement Agreement was a product of work by state attorneys general, who represented their states in the negotiation, the judge ruled.
It is, of course, impossible to say what would have happened had the Justice Department and 19 state attorneys general not taken Microsoft to court in 1998.
GM, under pressure from state attorneys general, revised its bankruptcy plan recently to require the new GM to take on claims from future car-accident victims.
The proposed changes, which will be discussed by the attorneys general when they meet in Washington early next week, would compel the Banks to treat each borrower in default individually.
In the us, attorneys general, who act as consumer advocates, had begun investigating the matter or reviewing it with staff in several states, including in Iowa, Connecticut, Florida and Massachusetts.
The bank, America’s largest mortgage servicer, is being pushed towards a costly settlement with state attorneys-general, who have been investigating banks’ foreclosure practices.
State prosecutors, sometimes known as district attorneys, are commonly elected by each county and are not under the control of the state attorney general.
The bank, America's largest mortgage servicer, is being pushed towards a costly settlement with state attorneys-general, who have been investigating Banks' foreclosure practices.
The bank, America's largest mortgage servicer, is being pushed towards a costly settlement with state attorneys-general, who have been investigating Banks' foreclosure practices.