Already India is seeing a mad rush to set up special economic zones--a less ambitious step-- throughout the country.
It is a very ambitious Copa - possibly too ambitious, and there could be problems along the way.
He laid out a clear and ambitious plan -- a plan that flows from our core principles, the principles we ran on, our core mission that we said we were going to attend to when we took office a year ago.
WHITEHOUSE: Creating New Jobs by Investing in High-Speed Rail
Unfortunately, the same questions might well be posed today about another aerospace technology in which the United States currently enjoys a decisive competitive advantage -- thanks to a farsighted and ambitious Defense Department program and the congressional support it has long received: the V-22 "Osprey" tiltrotor aircraft.
To a particular kind of hyper-ambitious young person, entering into a domestic commitment too early carries a risk: what if you end up yoked to somebody who lacks the stamina to keep up?
The International Air Transport Association ( IATA) last year set itself a long-term, yet ambitious, goal to build a zero emissions aircraft in the next 50 years.
The anti-obesity effort to limit sales of sugary drinks was one of a number of ambitious public-health initiatives Mr. Bloomberg has launched since taking office in 2002.
The operation, E-Quest Partners, is a tiny yet ambitious private equity outfit he launched a year ago with his Venezuelan brother-in-law, Alejandro Zubillaga.
These programs offer talented and ambitious A-types the chance to add a dash of do-gooding to their resumes.
Cellulosic ethanol is still made in small quantities and a number of once-ambitious startups have gone out of business.
NASA, plans to launch a more ambitious exoplanet-hunter, called Kepler, in October 2008.
It is a hugely ambitious project--rivals have called it impossible--for any company.
If a lot of super-ambitious, ultra hard-working investment bankers suddenly find themselves out of work, odds are they'll reinvent themselves in the green space.
The bright, ambitious A-level student wanted to become a lawyer and was hoping to read law at Cardiff University after sitting his exams that coming summer.
These people also said the download store would be an "interim" step toward what is expected to be a more ambitious cloud-based subscription service compatible with mobile phones built with Google's Android software.
Although Mr. Obama had said in the past that he didn't want to travel to Israel until he could accomplish something concrete, he arrived here with a less-than-ambitious agenda focused more on symbolism and shoring up relationships than on substantive policy.
The former England captain rejected other offers and signed a five-month contract for the ambitious French club on Thursday in a stunning move that came as the transfer window was starting to close.
In March 1972, a plaque he designed with legendary astronomer Carl Sagan was blasted into space on board the Pioneer 10 spacecraft. ( Click here to see the Pioneer Plaque.) A few years later, Drake and Sagan would team up again on a much more ambitious project, attaching a gold-plated record full of music and photos onto the two Voyager probes.
When France and Germany unveil their plans on Monday, the hope is that there will be enough new commitments from Germany - for example, to a more ambitious version of European bailout fund, the EFSF - to take the rescue plan to the next stage.
What drew Madonna to make a film about an ambitious, hard-lacquered American woman who sought to carve out a place in British society through pure steeliness of character we shall, of course, never know.
The latest twist is a highly ambitious LTE roll-out plan combined with the intention to wind down WiMAX support by the end of 2012.
Now we're putting the teams and infrastructure in place to realise the potential of a hugely ambitious and far-reaching programme which will permeate all sectors of city life.
BBC: 'Super intelligent' 400 CCTV cameras scheme for Glasgow
Two investors are taking a gamble on a rare feat in the modern retail-property market: an ambitious redevelopment of a struggling mall in a small city.
The group plans to build 200, 000 a year, the most ambitious production target so far for a pure-battery car.
Still, that is cold comfort for the backers of products such as the iCache Geode, a strange and ambitious iPhone contraption combining NFC and e-paper with a reprogrammable credit card that was floated last April.
ENGADGET: Switched On: Higher stakes, higher ground for crowdfunding, part 1
In the A plot, the nine-year-old half brothers Phineas and Ferb fill a summer day with some insanely ambitious project: making a building as high as the moon, a time machine, a roller-coaster.
On Monday, the secretary of state described the negotiation as a two-way street, insisting that the more ambitious Stormont is when it comes to a shared future, then the more assistance Westminster will feel able to provide.
Environmentalists got four out of seven initiatives passed, though the most ambitious, a clean-air plan in California, was frustrated.
His most ambitious was a five-by-six grid called Thirty Are Better Than One.
FORBES: If Every Artist Were As Good As Andy Warhol, Forgery Would Be Unnecessary [Book Excerpt]
These actions are bringing us closer to an AIDS-free generation at home and abroad -- a goal that, while ambitious, is within sight.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Proclamation -- World AIDS Day, 2012 | The White House