• Politicians such as Phil Gramm, formerly a senator from Texas, sponsored the repeal of the Glass-Steagall act, a Depression-era separation of investment and retail banking.

    ECONOMIST: The uneven contest

  • For a newly married couple, it can be very traumatic, he says, to go from a lifetime of near-separation from the opposite sex to a full sexual relationship in just one night.

    BBC: The sex manual for ultra-Orthodox Jews

  • Controversial Japanese director Takashi Miike's Straw Shield is a crime-thriller set in modern day politics while Iranian director, Asghar Farhadi - who won an Oscar for his film A Separation - directs The Artist actress Berenice Bejo in his new film The Past.

    BBC: Cannes Film Festival line-up is announced

  • The engine had been running at high temperatures for four times longer than a normal F-35 flight, causing a separation of the "grain boundary" on one blade, Mr Bates explained.

    BBC: Grounded US F-35 fighter jet fleet to resume flights

  • At Reno, a 500-foot separation was used.

    CNN: NTSB: Pilot overwhelmed by g-forces in Reno crash

  • Non-Disparagement Clause- A non-disparagement clause, typically contained in a separation or settlement agreement, states that an executive director cannot say anything bad about the employer even if the commentary is true.

    FORBES: 5 Must-Haves in an Executive Director's Employment Agreement

  • Researchers at the Cornell University Nanobiotechnology Center are combining RT-PCR with a nanofluidics-based system for separation and identification of genetic material from different organisms.

    FORBES: Nanotech Takes On Homeland Terror

  • This relatively minor shift, the model found, still produces enough energy to initiate a wave-like pulse of crystal-shattering snow separation that quickly propagates uphill and leads to a major release of the upper layer.

    MSN: How a deadly avalanche can be triggered

  • The runner-up Grand Prix Silver Lion went to Lebanese-born Randa Chahal Sabbag's The Kite - a film about love and separation on the Lebanese-Israeli border.

    BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Russian film wins Golden Lion

  • With Connecticut planning on tearing up 900 miles of ground for gas pipeline in coming years, and Hartford eyeing a project with 160 miles of wastewater and sewer separation, there may be a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to piggyback on other infrastructure projects which involve crossing roads and other infrastructure.

    FORBES: With All Eyes On Hurricane Sandy, A Good Time to Evaluate Micro-Grids

  • MPs on the committee had rowed about a press release announcing a new inquiry into the "costs of separation" - an attempt to assess the costs and benefits of an independent Scotland.

    BBC: Statement expected on Scottish affairs committee row

  • But restaurant results -- which link to a page with adverts -- require more noticeable separation and three prominent links to rival search engines.

    CNN: Google in peace deal with Brussels

  • Their slightly offset orbits bring them extremely close to each other - to a separation of just 150m, as of last week.

    BBC: Mapping Earth's surface in 3D

  • But there is a church and state-like separation.

    FORBES: Google's Quiet-Period Paranoia

  • Mr. Farhadi has largely operated within government rules, though he had a run-in with the authorities while making "A Separation, " a film about the collapse of a Tehran couple's marriage that offers a broad view of the rifts of Iranian society.

    WSJ: Iranian Filmmakers Find No Separation Between Art, Politics

  • All you do is cluster the corn-oil units around biodiesel plants that use another money-saving GreenShift innovation: a "continuous base catalyst reaction" system that relies on a "proprietary process intensification and advanced separation technologies"--whatever those are.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The worst-case outcome for them is a forced separation not only of research, but of all trading in equities, bonds and derivatives from their corporate-advisory work.

    ECONOMIST: Investment banks

  • Maine has derailed a long-standing school choice program on dubious separation-of-church-and-state grounds.

    FORBES: Fact and Comment

  • Lord Griffiths called for primary law-making powers and for a formal separation of powers between the executive (the assembly government) and the legislature (the assembly).

    BBC: Increase assembly's power, says peer

  • In the letter to the education ministers of Wales and Northern Ireland, Mr Gove said the separation of GCSEs and A-levels between those countries and those in England was "a natural and legitimate consequence of devolution".

    BBC: Wales-Northern Ireland talks on joint exam standards

  • On Jan. 21 the president proposed the "Volcker Rule, " named after former Fed chairman Paul Volcker, one of the biggest proponents of Glass-Steagall-type restrictions (although his current proposal--endorsed by the president--does not call for a separation of commercial and investment banking activities).

    FORBES: Doctor Doom

  • Then there is a multitude who like me have one-degree of separation experience.

    FORBES: President Reagan: Father, Communicator, Tech Pundit

  • Maine has derailed a long-standing school-choice program on dubious separation-of-church-and-state grounds.

    FORBES: How to Bomb the Boom

  • At least on paper, Sudan's year-old constitution enshrines democratic practices and a separation of powers that make it look almost like a liberal western democracy.

    ECONOMIST: Sudan

  • My husband paid regularly for his son through private arrangement, every month without fail, for three years, plus a large lump sum on separation, until his ex-partner decided she was "going to use the CSA to have him for every last penny" (her words).

    BBC: Parents face fees for child maintenance rulings

  • Lindsey Green felt a different kind of separation anxiety last November as she visited the main room of Grand Central three times in a three-week span.

    WSJ: Grand Central 100-Year Anniversary: A Century of Connections

  • "Out there" is Breezy Point, the westernmost part of the Rockaway peninsula in Queens, a fish-rich stretch of water that's the unofficial separation of the Atlantic from the harbor of New York.


  • Its main argument was that the checks and balances in the constitution are designed for a four-year presidential term and that an erosion of the separation of powers under Mr Uribe would be aggravated by a third term.

    ECONOMIST: Presidential re-election in Colombia

  • By the time some people do find out about the new laws it will be too late for them because of the very strict time bars - 12 months after separation and six months after a death.

    BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Cohabitation in Scotland

  • Half a minute later, what is perhaps the most important event occurs - the separation of the heat shield.

    BBC: Mars Curiosity rover success depends on 'crazy' landing

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