Politicians such as Phil Gramm, formerly a senator from Texas, sponsored the repeal of the Glass-Steagall act, a Depression-era separation of investment and retail banking.
For a newly married couple, it can be very traumatic, he says, to go from a lifetime of near-separation from the opposite sex to a full sexual relationship in just one night.
Controversial Japanese director Takashi Miike's Straw Shield is a crime-thriller set in modern day politics while Iranian director, Asghar Farhadi - who won an Oscar for his film A Separation - directs The Artist actress Berenice Bejo in his new film The Past.
The engine had been running at high temperatures for four times longer than a normal F-35 flight, causing a separation of the "grain boundary" on one blade, Mr Bates explained.
Non-Disparagement Clause- A non-disparagement clause, typically contained in a separation or settlement agreement, states that an executive director cannot say anything bad about the employer even if the commentary is true.
FORBES: 5 Must-Haves in an Executive Director's Employment Agreement
Researchers at the Cornell University Nanobiotechnology Center are combining RT-PCR with a nanofluidics-based system for separation and identification of genetic material from different organisms.
This relatively minor shift, the model found, still produces enough energy to initiate a wave-like pulse of crystal-shattering snow separation that quickly propagates uphill and leads to a major release of the upper layer.
The runner-up Grand Prix Silver Lion went to Lebanese-born Randa Chahal Sabbag's The Kite - a film about love and separation on the Lebanese-Israeli border.
With Connecticut planning on tearing up 900 miles of ground for gas pipeline in coming years, and Hartford eyeing a project with 160 miles of wastewater and sewer separation, there may be a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to piggyback on other infrastructure projects which involve crossing roads and other infrastructure.
FORBES: With All Eyes On Hurricane Sandy, A Good Time to Evaluate Micro-Grids
MPs on the committee had rowed about a press release announcing a new inquiry into the "costs of separation" - an attempt to assess the costs and benefits of an independent Scotland.
But restaurant results -- which link to a page with adverts -- require more noticeable separation and three prominent links to rival search engines.
Their slightly offset orbits bring them extremely close to each other - to a separation of just 150m, as of last week.
Mr. Farhadi has largely operated within government rules, though he had a run-in with the authorities while making "A Separation, " a film about the collapse of a Tehran couple's marriage that offers a broad view of the rifts of Iranian society.
WSJ: Iranian Filmmakers Find No Separation Between Art, Politics
All you do is cluster the corn-oil units around biodiesel plants that use another money-saving GreenShift innovation: a "continuous base catalyst reaction" system that relies on a "proprietary process intensification and advanced separation technologies"--whatever those are.
The worst-case outcome for them is a forced separation not only of research, but of all trading in equities, bonds and derivatives from their corporate-advisory work.
Maine has derailed a long-standing school choice program on dubious separation-of-church-and-state grounds.
Lord Griffiths called for primary law-making powers and for a formal separation of powers between the executive (the assembly government) and the legislature (the assembly).
In the letter to the education ministers of Wales and Northern Ireland, Mr Gove said the separation of GCSEs and A-levels between those countries and those in England was "a natural and legitimate consequence of devolution".
On Jan. 21 the president proposed the "Volcker Rule, " named after former Fed chairman Paul Volcker, one of the biggest proponents of Glass-Steagall-type restrictions (although his current proposal--endorsed by the president--does not call for a separation of commercial and investment banking activities).
Then there is a multitude who like me have one-degree of separation experience.
Maine has derailed a long-standing school-choice program on dubious separation-of-church-and-state grounds.
At least on paper, Sudan's year-old constitution enshrines democratic practices and a separation of powers that make it look almost like a liberal western democracy.
My husband paid regularly for his son through private arrangement, every month without fail, for three years, plus a large lump sum on separation, until his ex-partner decided she was "going to use the CSA to have him for every last penny" (her words).
Lindsey Green felt a different kind of separation anxiety last November as she visited the main room of Grand Central three times in a three-week span.
WSJ: Grand Central 100-Year Anniversary: A Century of Connections
"Out there" is Breezy Point, the westernmost part of the Rockaway peninsula in Queens, a fish-rich stretch of water that's the unofficial separation of the Atlantic from the harbor of New York.
Its main argument was that the checks and balances in the constitution are designed for a four-year presidential term and that an erosion of the separation of powers under Mr Uribe would be aggravated by a third term.
By the time some people do find out about the new laws it will be too late for them because of the very strict time bars - 12 months after separation and six months after a death.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Moneybox | Cohabitation in Scotland
Half a minute later, what is perhaps the most important event occurs - the separation of the heat shield.
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