But the former prime minister won't say a bad word in public about Mr Lexa.
James never had a bad word to say about anyone and was so kind and considerate.
"It is an umbrella term, so it's not a bad word, " Pejic agrees.
For starters, stop thinking of budget as a bad word, like diet.
Not only has choice become a bad word in the Labour Party again, but the forces against greater diversity of provision are marshalling too.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: George Osborne speech
Obama did what Jimmy Carter did in 1976, when he took on Washington heavyweights such as Henry "Scoop" Jackson and Morris Udall by making experience a bad word.
"That's a bad word, senator, " Roberts replied, apparently in jest.
"I've never heard a bad word from them, I've never had arguments with them and all they say to me is positive things, " the striker told BBC Radio Stoke.
"Marky was partial to a few drinkies, but he was a kind man with a big heart and never had a bad word to say about anyone, " a statement read.
"Our job isn't to stand at loggerheads with each other and think compromise is a bad word, " she said earlier this year as the council prepared to override a Bloomberg veto.
No one makes them feel bad when they say a word incorrectly, and they're not told to practice that word dozens of times.
By using this search tool, one can access a news site without having to read any bad news, because every possible word and phrase that could be seen as a downer (think "cash-strapped, " "financial turmoil" or "unemployment") is blacked out.
"Insurance people are naturally conservative in the bad sense of the word, " Goodman says with a shrug.
At the RSA conference in late February, we got the word, again, that the Internet is indeed a bad, bad neighborhood.
"The air quality is very bad here and any project with the word nuclear causes a negative reaction among people, " says Mr Danielevsky.
Warner Bros. that good word-of-mouth could help make up for a bad start.
When you buy a market, right, there's some villainy--I don't have the right word, right, but there's going to be a bad guy.
"I think it's too bad, but I do think that feminism has become in many ways a more negative word, " she added.
This close to a release date, word would have normally slipped out about whether the movie is good or bad.
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One word on the trick-or-treating question: As a child, adults told me that bad people "often" put razor blades in apples, or put poison into candy at Halloween.