Each took a battery of psychological surveys, including a three-hour interview and a 900-question test.
Immediately after landing, he will visit a battery of the anti-missile system, Iron Dome.
They confirmed I was the correct patient, then diligently ran a battery of tests.
Each week founders endure a battery of evaluations from mentors and peers rating their progress.
FORBES: Can An Hour-Long Aptitude Test Predict Startup Home Runs? Adeo Ressi Thinks So
Clinton is considering a single plan: a battery of fixed, land-based ABMs in Alaska.
Before a single egg is cultivated, a donor must undergo a battery of psychological and physical exams.
Days later he began a battery of briefings from dozens of managers, intent on learning the business.
The registered lobbyists in its Washington policy office complement a battery of outside lobbying and PR firms.
Over the weekend a battery of eight cannon was also fired at intervals from the town's Brass Bastion.
Paulson's in for a battery of questions: How to price the bad assets the Treasury will take over?
Rather than running a battery of tests, he examined Ellen visually and concluded she had pulled a muscle.
If it tries to ban third-party-owned players from its competitions, the organization could face a battery of legal challenges.
The participants were going to circulate in the hall for a battery of tests administered by 20 doctors and nurses.
Where we crave sweeping transformation, however, all the current bill offers is those pilot programs, a battery of small-scale experiments.
David Cohen, the NYPD's top intelligence official, argued in court documents that he and a battery of lawyers review all investigations.
Unfortunately, their protective efforts have built a battery of hurdles and fences through which innovation can pass only with great difficulty.
He also said that a battery of psychiatric tests had proved inconclusive: the defense had no satisfying evidence that Bishop was insane.
The American administration has sent a battery of Patriot missiles to Poland (though admittedly unarmed, on loan and for training purposes only).
Ranged against the project is a coalition of riparian states, pro-poor and environmental activists like the bishop and a battery of dissenting experts.
But no one expects Mr Wallace to use the temporary sidelining of Mr Dewar to push through a battery of Lib Dem measures.
The remains have been subjected to a battery of tests, including DNA, carbon dating and environmental analysis in an effort to confirm the identification.
BBC: Richard III dig: Skull image released ahead of DNA results
We're on a ward at St Thomas's Hospital, where Dan and Scott have agreed to undergo a battery of tests as part of the Epitwin Project.
Even though Ford had no patience to undergo a battery of tests, it was surprising that doctors did not administer a CAT scan or other tests.
But after two and a half years, a battery of consultants, a new chief information officer and considerable outlays, the systems still don't talk to each other.
Instead, the new Expeditions, as well as the new Lincoln Navigators built at Michigan Truck, will undergo a battery of tests that is unprecedented, at least for Ford.
So-called micropractices are springing up among general practitioners, who, in a fee-for-service age, increasingly have to coordinate a battery of specialists but don't get paid for the air-traffic-control work.
The scientists gave the subjects a battery of word problems known as remote associates, in which people have to find one additional word that goes with a triad of words.
And, according to a report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, the lifetime income of high-school dropouts is directly associated with their scores on a battery of intelligence tests.
There is also a photo of Pope Paul VI stepping off a plane, and another of actress Jayne Mansfield sprawled on a floor after fainting before a battery of flashbulb-popping photographers.
From March 25-28, IBOPE Zogby polled 1, 930 likely voters with a battery of questions about the possibility of Congress and the White House failing to pass a budget and causing a government shutdown.