But consider doing so with a set of blocks, a board game or a jump rope.
There's a board game that uses iPhones for pawns, and even a book that turns its own pages.
Whereas creating a video game is akin to swimming through shark-infested waters, a board game can be designed and prototyped shark-free.
Now, how about making Draw Something into a board game where you actually have a to use a pen and paper to illustrate words?
So, for example, a customer can order a board game online from Toys "R" Us and have it delivered to a nearby Sports Authority store.
Ms Gardner says they are also looking at cashing in on the Wikipedia brand and are open to suggestions some of which have included TV programmes and a board game.
He lightheartedly recalled a "man with a high mission" who also enjoyed playing Stratego, a board game drawing on Napoleonic history, and belting out "La Marseillaise" and French nursery rhymes when the two companions found themselves in trying circumstances.
Among the alleged baits recently used to separate unwary investors from their funds: film deals, 19th-century railroad bonds, gold mines, iron mines, equipment leases, "medium-term notes, " greeting card manufacturing, a board game teaching investors how to get wealthy and even Mormon church financings.
His doctors (along with the psychiatric nurses and the social workers who led the daily therapy groups) had encouraged him to uncurl himself from the fetal position and try, at least try, to watch television or play a board game with the other patients, but this had mostly proved too great a challenge.
The Department of Revenue Board of Tax Appeals in ruling against the Institute remarked that Go is fundamentally a recreational board game like chess.
FORBES: Go Is More Than A Game Despite What State of Washington Thinks
Mr. Hautemont believes his experience in the technology world has helped him as a board-game maker.
WSJ: When Work Is Fun and Games: Eric Hautemont, Days of Wonder
Whether it's soccer, a family night board game, or a handheld electronic device-playing challenges us to overcome long odds, tell compelling stories, and work with or against one another.
Well I guess someone who is clueless enough to think of chess as fundamentally a recreational board game is not going to appreciate the depth of Go.
FORBES: Go Is More Than A Game Despite What State of Washington Thinks
The International University of Monaco has just handed a particularly tough challenge to 24 MBA students enrolled on a marketing management course -- develop the concept for a new board game.
Video gamers often play with friends either in the flesh or online, but at least in my experience the time requirements of a good board game or pen-and-paper RPG are vast in comparison.
Cranium was a completely unknown board game company until it forged a massive distribution relationship with Starbucks.
Hasbro and Mattel grabbed headlines with their push to shut down Scrabulous, a knockoff of the Scrabble board game developed by a pair of entrepreneurs in India (see: "Scrabulous Facing Copyright Infringement Charges").
Lenssen describes his work as making the iPad a mobile digital board game.
As soon as I heard the news, I went online to a game show message board I frequent.
According to it, Nintendo has a new "game system" on the drawing board that incorporates acceleration sensors in a "housing" to detect movement and direction.
ENGADGET: Nintendo patent application reveals plans for motion-sensing handheld
The central part of the game is based a board at either side of which sit five idols.
However, he injured his shoulder when he collided with an advertising board while fielding in a game against Durham.
Think of the utility of a subway token in preference to cash, or (as in Monopoly), how much easier it is to move a game piece around a board than your physical self.
FORBES: Tokenization And The Collapse Of The Credit Card Payment Model
Laurenzi's statement comes after Braun publicly blasted Major League Baseball's drug testing system and an arbitration board tossed out a 50-game suspension imposed as the result of the drug test Braun took last year.
So a few years ago Hasbro, the makers of Monopoly, hired Chuck Phillips to help them run a poll where fans could vote for their favorite city to be featured in a future version of the popular board game.
If someone is facing a chess master, change the game board to Go, or checkers.
FORBES: Musashi-Style Negotiations In Business - Set The Game Board Before The Battle Begins
For board games for example, a top game could realistically expect to reach 1.5-2% of the target market.
The Big Board is considered a fool's game--too efficiently priced.
But despite Grant's claim that he has not been given a three-game ultimatum by the board, the former Chelsea and Portsmouth boss says he is prepared for the unexpected.
Vesterbacka reels off plans for a feature film, amusement park, board game, social game, cereal, cookbook, IPO and, oh, yes--magical stickers that you can scan with your phone to unlock new levels.